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Liesbeth Corens, Confessional Mobility and English Catholics in Counter-Reformation Europe
European History Quarterly ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0265691420940525a
Kirsteen M. MacKenzie

Germany and Italy, while Marshall Aid was to be deployed in support of the Italian DC at the time of the 1948 election. Chamedes’s consultation of an exceptionally large number of US archives is one of the great strengths of her book. This is doubtless the most erudite of those studies which have been strongly critical of Vatican policy in this period. One might complain of a lack of nuance. Chamedes seems to see a clear developing line of Vatican policy whereas other academic historians of Pius XI’s pontificate have tended to emphasize its hesitancy. Such a judgement might be extended to World War II, although perhaps not to the period of the Cold War. A weakness of the book is that it fails to indicate the lack of common purpose as between the Papacy and national episcopates in Germany, France and Spain. References to phases of Vatican ‘anti-Americanism’ call for critical examination.


Liesbeth Corens,欧洲反宗教改革中的忏悔流动和英国天主教徒

德国和意大利,而马歇尔援助将在 1948 年大选时部署以支持意大利特区。查米德斯查阅了大量美国档案是她这本书的一大优势。这无疑是在这一时期强烈批评梵蒂冈政策的那些研究中最博学的。人们可能会抱怨缺乏细微差别。查米德斯似乎看到了梵蒂冈政策的明确发展路线,而其他庇护十一世教皇的学术历史学家则倾向于强调其犹豫不决。这种判断可能会延伸到第二次世界大战,尽管可能不会延伸到冷战时期。这本书的一个弱点是它没有表明教皇和德国、法国和西班牙的国家主教之间缺乏共同的目标。