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Donald Reid, Opening the Gates: The Lip Affair, 1968–1981
European History Quarterly ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0265691419897533x
Matt Perry

education, school history textbooks, rock music and its links with politics, and Polish historical cinema and the Polish media system and their impact on democracy. The chapters focus on the main channels of socialization, although they seem to overlook some important phenomena such as computer games, which are an important part of everyday life for many young people, or rap music, which also has its own political form. While some chapters, e.g. on film, are quite exhaustive, others are somewhat superficial and selective (e.g. when writing about punk in Poland, it is difficult to omit the band ‘Siekiera’). The book closes with a conclusion written by one of the editors, in which she discusses the policy of Law and Justice (PiS) after the takeover of power in 2015. The author focuses primarily on the analysis of the activities of PiS that threaten democracy. The author examines the politics of this party in the context of disputes over the legacy of Roman Dmowski and Józef Pilsudski. The book also contains quite extensive biographies of the authors of individual chapters. To sum up, the book gives a fairly comprehensive picture of democratic and anti-democratic tendencies in Polish society. The book is written in clear and accessible language. It may be useful especially for those readers who do not know much about Poland, as well as for students. Its disadvantage, however, is the poorly specified subject matter –the lack of a deeper explanation of what values are and why the book covers some topics but not others. For example, history textbooks are analysed, but not textbooks on religion, although the Church, as many authors argue, has a dominant role in Poland, and much attention has been paid to the party system, but not the economic system, which also in various ways is associated with support for democracy.


唐纳德·里德 (Donald Reid),《开门见山:唇情》(The Lip Affair),1968–1981

教育、学校历史教科书、摇滚音乐及其与政治的联系、波兰历史电影和波兰媒体系统及其对民主的影响。这些章节侧重于社交的主要渠道,尽管它们似乎忽略了一些重要现象,例如电脑游戏,这是许多年轻人日常生活的重要组成部分,或者说唱音乐,也有自己的政治形式。虽然有些章节,例如电影,相当详尽,但其他章节则有些肤浅和选择性(例如,在写波兰的朋克时,很难省略“Siekiera”乐队)。这本书以一位编辑撰写的结论结束,她在其中讨论了 2015 年掌权后的法律与正义 (PiS) 政策。作者主要关注对威胁民主的 PiS 活动的分析。作者在罗曼·德莫夫斯基 (Roman Dmowski) 和约瑟夫·毕苏斯基 (Józef Pilsudski) 的遗产争议的背景下研究了该党的政治。这本书还包含相当广泛的各个章节作者的传记。总而言之,这本书对波兰社会的民主和反民主趋势给出了相当全面的描述。这本书用清晰易懂的语言写成。它可能对那些不太了解波兰的读者以及学生特别有用。然而,它的缺点是主题不明确——缺乏对什么是价值观以及为什么本书涵盖某些主题而不是其他主题的更深入的解释。例如,分析历史教科书,但不分析宗教教科书,