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Michael Seidman, Transatlantic Antifascisms: From the Spanish Civil War to the End of World War Two
European History Quarterly ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0265691420912382q
Gilles Vergnon

Talmud. He notes how, acting on behalf of Amshel Rothschild via the intervention of Gerhard Bleichsroder, Zunz defended the practices of ritual circumcision and praying with phylactories when these came under scrutiny in an increasingly desacralized European society. Schorsch’s Zunz is not only a scholar poring over musty texts in a study or archive, but an active part of a lengthy public debate over the image and status of Jews in pre-emancipation German society, thus placing Zunz alongside other defenders of Judaism in eighteenthand nineteenth-century Europe such as Luzzatto and Moses Mendelssohn. If there is anything missing from this biography, it is Zunz’s impact beyond Germany. Here Schorsch ensures that, after a half-century of re-examining the Germano-centric approach to the study of modern European Jewish history, we do not throw out the baby with the bathwater by ignoring the impact that Zunz and other Wissenschaft scholars had on academic scholarship elsewhere in Europe, and beyond in Russia, the State of Israel, and North America. Indeed, it is worth asking to what extent did his dual role of scholar and activist provide a template for Jewish scholar-activists elsewhere in Europe. There were examples that seem comparable, particularly in Hungary: did these men see Zunz as an archetype worth emulating? In the longer-term, how can Zunz’s scholarship-activism provide a guide for present-day academic scholars to engage in the heated political debates of the twenty-first century? In the end, though, these are minor quibbles that do not diminish from a seminal biography that brings into sharper focus the complex life and career of Leopold Zunz.


Michael Seidman,跨大西洋反法西斯主义:从西班牙内战到第二次世界大战结束

塔木德。他指出,在格哈德·布莱希斯罗德 (Gerhard Bleichsroder) 的干预下,代表阿姆谢尔·罗斯柴尔德 (Amshel Rothschild) 行事的 Zunz 如何为割礼和用护符祈祷的做法辩护,而这些做法在日益去圣化的欧洲社会中受到审查。Schorsch 的 Zunz 不仅是一位研究研究或档案中发霉的文本的学者,而且是关于犹太人在解放前的德国社会中的形象和地位的长期公开辩论的积极参与者,从而将 Zunz 与其他犹太教的捍卫者放在一起。 19 世纪的欧洲,如 Luzzatto 和 Moses Mendelssohn。如果这本传记有什么遗漏的话,那就是 Zunz 在德国以外的影响。在这里,Schorsch 确保,经过半个世纪的重新审视以德国为中心的现代欧洲犹太历史研究方法,我们不会因为忽略 Zunz 和其他 Wissenschaft 学者对欧洲其他地方以及俄罗斯、以色列国和北美以外的学术奖学金的影响而把婴儿和洗澡水一起扔掉。事实上,值得一问的是,他作为学者和活动家的双重角色在多大程度上为欧洲其他地方的犹太学者活动家提供了模板。有些例子似乎具有可比性,尤其是在匈牙利:这些人是否将 Zunz 视为值得效仿的原型?从长远来看,尊兹的学术激进主义如何为当今学术界的学者参与二十一世纪激烈的政治辩论提供指导?然而,最终,这些都是小问题,并不会从一部开创性的传记中减少,该传记将利奥波德·祖茨的复杂生活和事业更加集中。