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Dynamic Discrete Pigeon-Inspired Optimization for Multi-UAV Cooperative Search-Attack Mission Planning
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-08 , DOI: 10.1109/taes.2020.3029624
Haibin Duan , Jianxia Zhao , Yimin Deng , Yuhui Shi , Xilun Ding

For multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) performing aerial search-attack tasks, there is a tradeoff between maximizing total benefit and minimizing consumption under the validity of constraints. This article proposes a dynamic discrete pigeon-inspired optimization algorithm to handle cooperative search-attack mission planning for UAVs, which integrates the centralized task assignment and distributed path generation aspects of the problem. Besides, a solution acceptance strategy is proposed to avoid frequent task switching. To design a reasonable objective function, the probability map is constructed and updated by Bayes formula to guide the following search motion, and a response threshold sigmoid model is adopted for target allocation during executing attack. Moreover, the flyable trajectories are generated by B-spline curves based on the simplified waypoints. Finally, numerical experiments prove that the proposed methods can provide feasible solutions for multiple UAVs considering different scenarios, such as the absence or presence of threats and insufficient resources. The results also show that the solution acceptance strategy is effective to improve performance. Moreover, the extensible mission planning system also integrates with an interactive 3D visualization simulation module, where the multi-UAV coordinated flight processes are demonstrated dynamically.


