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2020 Reviewers List
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-10 , DOI: 10.1109/lmwc.2021.3050015
Thomas Zwick

Dear Reviewers,

Thank you very much for your help! Publications are very important for the scientific community. The worldwide exchange of ideas, concepts, methods, and technologies not only substantially advances research, but also helps build understanding and peaceful cooperation between all nations and communities. The main pillar of the scientific publication process is peer review, since it’s the only way to guarantee high quality work and prevent plagiarism as well as false reports. However, this would not be possible without the time and effort of thousands of volunteer reviewers. These individuals spend their free time and expertise to help us editors to select the most innovative and impactful work to be published in MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATION LETTERS. The entire scientific community thanks you for your great effort!




