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Pain, Culture and Pedagogy: A Preliminary Investigation of Attitudes Towards “Reasonable” Pain Tolerance in the Grassroots Reproduction of a Culture of Risk
Psychological Reports ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-11 , DOI: 10.1177/0033294120988096
Paul K Miller 1 , Sophie Van Der Zee 2 , David Elliott 1

In recent years a considerable body of psychological research has explored the relationship between membership of socio-cultural groups and personal pain perception. Rather less systematic attention has, however, been accorded to how such group membership(s) might influence individual attitudes towards the pain of others. In this paper, immersion in the culture of competitive sport, widely regarded as being exaggeratedly tolerant of risky behaviours around pain, is taken as a case-in-point with students of Physical Education (PE) in tertiary education as the key focus. PE students are highly-immersed in competitive sporting culture both academically and (typically) practically, and also represent a key nexus of cross-generational transmission regarding the norms of sport itself. Their attitudes towards the pain that others should reasonably tolerate during a range of activities, sporting and otherwise, were evaluated through a direct comparison with those of peers much less immersed in competitive sporting culture. In total, N=301 (144 PE, 157 non-PE) undergraduate students in the UK responded to a vignette-based survey. Therein, all participants were required to rate the pain (on a standard 0-10 scale) at which a standardised “other” should desist engagement with a set of five defined sporting and non-sporting tasks, each with weak and strong task severities. Results indicated that PE students were significantly more likely to expect others to persevere through higher levels of pain than their non-PE peers, but only during the sport-related tasks – an effect further magnified when task severity was high. In other tasks, there was no significant difference between groups, or valence of the effect was actually reversed. It is argued that the findings underscore some extant knowledge about the relationship between acculturated attitudes to pain, while also having practical implications for understanding sport-based pedagogy, and its potentially problematic role in the ongoing reproduction of a “culture of risk.”



近年来,相当多的心理学研究探讨了社会文化群体的成员身份与个人疼痛感知之间的关系。然而,较少系统地关注此类群体成员如何影响个人对他人痛苦的态度。在本文中,沉浸在竞技体育文化中,被广泛认为对疼痛周围的危险行为的容忍度被夸大了,以高等教育中的体育(PE)学生为重点。体育学生在学术和(通常)实践上都高度沉浸在竞技体育文化中,并且也代表了关于体育本身规范的跨代传播的关键纽带。他们对其他人在运动等一系列活动中应该合理忍受的痛苦的态度是通过与那些不太沉浸在竞技体育文化中的同龄人的直接比较来评估的。总共有 N=301(144 名体育,157 名非体育)本科生在英国回答了一项基于小插曲的调查。其中,所有参与者都被要求对标准的“其他”应该停止参与一组五个定义的运动和非运动任务的疼痛进行评分(在标准的 0-10 范围内),每个任务的严重性都具有弱和强。结果表明,与非体育同龄人相比,体育学生更有可能期望其他人能够在更高水平的疼痛中坚持下去,但仅限于与体育相关的任务期间——当任务严重程度高时,这种影响会进一步放大。在其他任务中,组之间没有显着差异,或者效果的效价实际上是相反的。有人认为,这些发现强调了一些现有的关于疼痛适应态度之间关系的知识,同时也对理解基于体育的教学法及其在“风险文化”的持续复制中潜在的问题作用具有实际意义。
