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Cultural values as a resilience resource for Latino/a adolescents and young adults coping with parental cancer
Journal of Psychosocial Oncology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-12 , DOI: 10.1080/07347332.2021.1881197
Amanda M Marín-Chollom 1 , Tracey A Revenson 2, 3


Purpose: Although research on how adolescents and young adults (AYAs) cope with their own cancer is expanding, there is little knowledge on how AYAs cope with a parent’s cancer. And, thus, little evidence-based knowledge for how to deliver services. Moreover, most research has been with majority White populations. To fill this gap, we examined whether the cultural values of familismo (familism) and espíritu (spirit) moderate the association between stress appraisals and coping with psychological distress among Latino/AYAs facing a parent’s cancer.

Design: Cross-sectional, observational.

Sample: Thirty eight adolescents and young adults between the ages of 12 and 25 whose mother had breast cancer.

Methods: Participants completed standardized measures. Generalized estimating equation analysis was used to analyze the nested data.

Results: There was a protective pattern of familismo and espíritu against symptoms of depression. AYAs experienced psychological distress, but those with higher levels of familismo and espíritu fared better than those with lower levels, regardless of the coping strategies they used.

Implications: Psychosocial interventions for Latino/a AYAs coping with parental cancer should incorporate or strengthen these values.




目的:虽然关于青少年和年轻人 (AYA) 如何应对自己的癌症的研究正在扩大,但关于 AYA 如何应对父母的癌症的知识却很少。因此,关于如何提供服务的循证知识很少。此外,大多数研究都是针对大多数白人人群。为了填补这一空白,我们研究了familismo (家庭主义)和espíritu(精神)的文化价值观是否能调节面临父母癌症的拉丁裔/AYA 的压力评估与应对心理困扰之间的关联。


样本:母亲患有乳腺癌的 38 名 12 至 25 岁的青少年和年轻人。


结果:家庭主义精神主义对抑郁症状有保护作用。AYA 经历过心理困扰,但无论他们使用何种应对策略,familismo 和 espíritu 水平较高的人都比水平较低表现更好。

启示:应对父母癌症的拉丁裔/a AYA 的社会心理干预应纳入或加强这些价值观。
