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Crafting New Narratives of Diasporic Resistance with Indo-Caribbean Women and Gender-Expansive People across Generations
Societies ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.3390/soc11010002
Arita Balaram

This study used participatory oral history and digital archiving to explore two interrelated questions: How do Indo-Caribbean women and gender-expansive people across generations experience processes of storytelling? What are the challenges and possibilities of oral history and digital archiving for constructing alternative histories and genealogies of resistance? In the first phase of the study, twelve Indo-Caribbean women and gender-expansive people across generations participated in an oral history workshop where they were introduced to oral history methods, co-created an interview guide, conducted oral history interviews of one another, and engaged in collective reflection about processes of storytelling. In the second phase, four co-authors of a community-owned digital archive participated in semi-structured interviews about their work to craft new narratives of diasporic resistance rooted in the everyday stories of Indo-Caribbean women and gender-expansive people. In this paper, I analyze how Indo-Caribbean women and gender-expansive people practice resistance by breaking silences in their communities around gender-based oppression, shift norms through producing analyses of their own stories, and reshape community narratives. Furthermore, I explore how oral history participants and co-authors of a digital archive understand the risks associated with sharing stories, raising the ethical dilemmas associated with conceptualizing storytelling as purely liberatory.



这项研究使用了参与式口述历史和数字存档来探讨两个相互关联的问题:几代印度裔加勒比妇女和性别膨胀的人如何经历讲故事的过程?口述历史和数字存档在构建抵抗的其他历史和家谱方面有哪些挑战和可能性?在研究的第一阶段,十二代印度裔加勒比妇女和性别广泛的人参加了一次口述历史讲习班,向他们介绍了口述历史方法,共同编写了访谈指南,进行了口头历史访谈,并就故事叙述过程进行集体反思。在第二阶段 一个社区拥有的数字档案馆的四位合著者参加了关于他们的工作的半结构化访谈,这些工作是根据印度加勒比妇女和性别膨胀的人们的日常故事来拟订新的关于流离失所抵抗的叙述。在本文中,我分析了印裔加勒比妇女和性别膨胀的人如何通过打破社区对基于性别的压迫的沉默,通过对自己的故事进行分析来改变规范,以及重塑社区的叙事方式来进行抵抗。此外,我探索了口述历史的参与者和数字档案馆的合著者如何理解与分享故事相关的风险,并提出了将故事讲述概念纯粹视为解放所带来的道德困境。