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Perceived Intimacy Differences of Daily Online and Offline Interactions in People’s Social Network
Societies ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-09 , DOI: 10.3390/soc11010013
Emmelyn A. J. Croes , Marjolijn L. Antheunis

This study examined which media people use on a day-to-day basis to communicate and whether tie strength influenced this media use. Furthermore, we analyzed whether online and offline interactions differ in perceived intimacy and whether tie strength impacts perceived interaction intimacy: 347 real interactions of 9 participants (3 male, 6 female) were analyzed; 172 online (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, email, SMS interactions) and 175 offline (recorded phone and face-to-face conversations). The results revealed that the participants communicated most frequently face-to-face or via WhatsApp, especially with strong ties. Furthermore, participants rated their interactions with strong ties as more intimate compared to weak-tie interactions. Our findings have implications for Social Information Processing theory, as our findings show that people are equally able to communicate intimate messages online and offline.



这项研究检查了人们日常使用哪些媒体进行交流,以及领带强度是否影响了这种媒体使用。此外,我们分析了在线和离线互动是否在亲密感上有所不同,领带强度是否会影响互动亲密感:分析了9位参与者(3名男性,6名女性)的347次真实互动;172个在线(WhatsApp,Facebook Messenger,电子邮件,SMS交互)和175个离线(录制的电话和面对面的对话)。结果显示,参与者之间最频繁的面对面交流或通过WhatsApp进行交流,尤其是在人际关系密切的情况下。此外,与弱关系互动相比,参与者将他们与牢固关系的互动更为亲密。我们的发现对社会信息处理理论具有重要意义,