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Taste as a Medium of Memory in Anna Królikiewicz’s Installations
Arts ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-31 , DOI: 10.3390/arts10010003
Dorota Koczanowicz

The paper explores the multisensory artistic practices of the Polish artist Anna Królikiewicz, in which the sense of taste is pivotal as a medium of memory. Królikiewicz relies on tastes and smells to restore the memory of past moments, places, and people and to give life to the dead. Królikiewicz’s method is unique in that she abandons the exclusively cognitive mode of remembering, promoted by ocularcentrism, which distinctively pervades our culture. The artist aspires to stimulate sometimes anemic memory to compose from scratch an image of a place that is strongly marked by the presence of its previous dwellers. She does not propose a cognitive dialog or intellectual processing of sensory data; instead, she constructs a relationship ensuing from emotional and empathetic processes. She inquires into the nature of perception, modes of remembering, and possibilities to foster a community around the table. Once-alive existences resurface in Królikiewicz’s pieces in the form of sensory traces. Her works are on-site experimentations in which the relations between tasting and recollecting are studied. The paper focuses on two site-specific installations—How much sugar? and The Drugstore—where taste is relied on to build tunnels of memory connecting the contemporary residents of Sopot and Gdansk to the Germans who inhabited the two cities before the WW2.



本文探讨了波兰艺术家AnnaKrólikiewicz的多感​​官艺术实践,在这种实践中,味觉作为记忆的媒介至关重要。Królikiewicz依靠品味和气味来恢复对过去时光,地点和人的记忆,并赋予死者以生命。Królikiewicz的方法之所以独树一帜,是因为她放弃了由眼中心主义提倡的独特的记忆式认知方式,这种方式普遍存在于我们的文化中。艺术家渴望激发有时贫血的记忆,以从头开始构筑一个以其先前居民的存在为标志的地方图像。她不建议进行认知对话或对感觉数据进行智力处理;相反,她通过情感和移情过程建立了一种关系。她询问感知的本质,记忆方式,以及在餐桌旁建立社区的可能性。曾经活跃的存在以感官痕迹的形式重新出现在Królikiewicz的作品中。她的作品是现场实验,其中研究了品酒与回忆之间的关系。本文着重于两个特定于站点的安装-糖多少钱 以及药妆(Drugstore) –依靠味道来建立记忆的通道,将索波特和格但斯克的当代居民与二战前居住在这两个城市的德国人联系起来。