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Abundance, Movement, Population Dynamics, and Management Implications of Channel Catfish in a Mid‐Atlantic River
North American Journal of Fisheries Management ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-12 , DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10597
Brandon J. Keplinger 1

Riverine Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus are largely unregulated in West Virginia, while recreational angling interest for the species is emerging. This study focuses on hoop‐net assessments of the species’ size structure and abundance across a longitudinal continuum of the fifth‐order, low‐ to moderate‐gradient South Branch of the Potomac River (SBR). Population growth, annual mortality, angler exploitation, and angler‐reported movement were also assessed. Five pools were sampled during June–September in 2012–2017. Channel Catfish were measured for TL, fin‐clipped, and tagged with a T‐bar anchor tag. Lapillar otoliths were collected during September samples for growth analyses. Multiple‐census models and CPUE data were employed to estimate abundance. Channel Catfish CPUE and size structure increased downstream, and sexually dimorphic growth was documented. The oldest fish aged was a 19‐year‐old female. Annual mortality rate was estimated at 19.1%. Angler return data indicated that 36% of fish reported by anglers were harvested, but only 6% of tags were returned. Angler exploitation was estimated at 2.3%. Channel Catfish in the SBR were highly mobile. Two fish were captured by anglers 188 km downstream of their tagging location, and an upstream movement of 97 km was detected by hoop‐net recapture between sites. Dynamic function estimates for this population do not indicate a need for regulatory management. However, population modeling could be useful to determine when angling impacts on density or size structure may develop.



滨河河道Cat鱼Ictalurus punctatus在西弗吉尼亚州基本上不受管制,而对该物种的休闲垂钓兴趣正在兴起。这项研究的重点是对波托马克河(SBR)的五阶,中低梯度南支的纵向连续区域的物种大小结构和丰度进行环网评估。还评估了人口增长,年死亡率,钓鱼者开发和钓鱼者报告的运动。在2012年至2017年的6月至9月采样了5个样本池。测量鱼的TL,鳍状钩并用T形锚标签标记。在9月的样品中收集了小柱状耳石以进行生长分析。采用多人口普查模型和CPUE数据估算丰度。鱼的CPUE和大小结构向下游增加,有性双态性增长的记录在案。年龄最大的鱼类是一名19岁的雌性。年死亡率估计为19.1%。钓鱼者返回的数据表明,钓鱼者报告的鱼有36%被收获,但只有6%的标签被返回。钓鱼者的开采估计为2.3%。SBR中的海Cat鱼流动性强。在标记位置下游188 km处的垂钓者捕获了两条鱼,并且通过站点之间的网状捕获重新捕获了97 km的上游运动。此人群的动态功能估计并不表示需要监管管理。但是,种群模型可能有助于确定何时会出现对密度或大小结构的成角度的影响。钓鱼者的开采估计为2.3%。SBR中的海Cat鱼流动性很高。在标记位置下游188 km处的垂钓者捕获了两条鱼,并且通过站点之间的网状捕获重新捕获了97 km的上游运动。此人群的动态功能估计并不表示需要监管管理。但是,种群建模可能有助于确定何时会出现对密度或大小结构的钓鱼影响。钓鱼者的剥削估计为2.3%。SBR中的海Cat鱼流动性强。在标记位置下游188 km处的垂钓者捕获了两条鱼,并且通过站点之间的网状捕获重新捕获了97 km的上游运动。此人群的动态功能估计并不表示需要监管管理。但是,种群模型可能有助于确定何时会出现对密度或大小结构的成角度的影响。