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Symmetric abelian group-invariant Steiner quadruple systems
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcta.2021.105435
Lijun Ji , Xiao-Nan Lu

Let K be an abelian group of order v. A Steiner quadruple system of order v (SQS(v)) (K,B) is called symmetric K-invariant if for each BB, it holds that B+xB for each xK and B=B+y for some yK. When the Sylow 2-subgroup of K is cyclic, a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a symmetric K-invariant SQS(v) was given by Munemasa and Sawa, which is a generalization of a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a symmetric cyclic SQS(v) shown in Piotrowski's thesis in 1985. In this paper, we prove that a symmetric K-invariant SQS(v) exists if and only if v2,4(mod6), the order of each element of K is not divisible by 8, and there exists a symmetric cyclic SQS(2p) for any odd prime divisor p of v.



Kv的阿贝尔群。阶v的Steiner四元系统(SQSvķ称为对称K-不变,它认为 +X 每个 Xķ=-+ÿ 对于一些 ÿķ。当K的Sylow 2子群是循环的时,存在对称K不变量的充要条件SQSv 由Munemasa和Sawa给出,它是对称环存在的必要条件的充分概括 SQSv在1985年的Piotrowski论文中得到证明。在本文中,我们证明了对称K-不变量SQSv 存在且仅当 v246K的每个元素的顺序不能被8整除,并且存在一个对称的循环SQS2p对于任何奇素因子pv
