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Development and Verification of a Fuel System to Meet Impact Resistance Performance of Rotorcraft External Auxiliary Fuel Tanks
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s42405-021-00357-z
Won Choi , Hyunbum Park

In the event of an aircraft crash, the impact resistance performance of the fuel tank is essential to maximize the survivability of the crew. Damage caused by excessive load on the fuel cell and interference between the fuel cell and the surrounding structure is a main cause in case of an aircraft accident. The fuel system of fuel tank for aircraft should be designed to prevent fuel cell damage by minimizing interference with the fuel cell on collision impact while performing fuel transfer and refueling functions. In this study, we developed a fuel system for an external auxiliary fuel tank that meets the impact resistance performance of MIL-DTL-27422D. Phase II certification tests, which demonstrate the fuel cell's own performance, proved that the fuel system did not damage the fuel cell.



