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Becoming the Lyre: Arion and Roman Elegy
Arethusa ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/are.2017.0010
Lauren Curtis

In this essay, I investigate the figure of the Greek poet Arion in Roman elegy, in a case study that reconsiders how musical imagery relates to the representation of genre in Latin poetry. Arion, the legendary Greek singer who was miraculously rescued by a dolphin thanks to the beauty of his music and song, was a well-known figure at Rome. He is mentioned by Cicero and Virgil; Marcus Cornelius Fronto, writing in the second century c.e., even devoted a short monograph to his life.1 Yet as I argue, it is in Augustan elegy that the story of Arion finds its most detailed and complex exposition. In Propertius 2.26A, a poem in which the speaker imagines his beloved suffering a shipwreck, she is miraculously saved by the same Dolphin that rescued Arion’s lyre. At the beginning of Fasti 2, Ovid narrates the tale of Arion to explain the constellation of the Dolphin, who is elevated to the heavens for rescuing the poet (2.79–118). What makes Arion such a potent figure in Roman elegy? Arion played a mythical and historical role in the early development of Greek



在这篇文章中,我在一个案例研究中调查了罗马挽歌中希腊诗人阿里昂的形象,该案例研究重新考虑了音乐意象如何与拉丁诗歌中的体裁表现相关联。希腊传奇歌手阿里昂因美妙的音乐和歌声奇迹般地被海豚救出,是罗马的知名人物。西塞罗和维吉尔都提到了他;马库斯·科尼利厄斯·弗朗托 (Marcus Cornelius Fronto) 写于公元 2 世纪,甚至专门撰写了一篇简短的专着来讲述他的生平。1 然而,正如我所说,在奥古斯都挽歌中,阿里安的故事得到了最详细和最复杂的阐述。在 Propertius 2.26A 一首诗中,演讲者想象他心爱的人遭遇海难,她被救出 Arion 七弦琴的同一只海豚奇迹般地救了出来。在 Fasti 2 开始时,奥维德讲述了 Arion 的故事来解释海豚的星座,海豚被提升到天堂以拯救诗人(2.79-118)。是什么让 Arion 在罗马挽歌中成为如此有力的人物?Arion 在希腊的早期发展中扮演了神话和历史角色