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Everything You Wanted to Know About Atticus (But Were Afraid to Ask Cicero): Looking for Atticus in Cicero’s ad Atticum
Arethusa ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/are.2016.0026
Orazio Cappello

Cornelius Nepos’s Life of Atticus has long foreclosed the possibility of reading Cicero’s sixteen-volume collection of the Letters to Atticus as (auto) biography. In Atticus 16.2–4, preoccupied with Atticus’s humanitas (a broad concept in Latin, here best translated with Horsfall 1989a.24 as “humanity”), Nepos situates the collection alongside the treatises in which Cicero mentions Atticus and identifies the letters as an indicium of Cicero’s more than fraternal love for Atticus. Beyond confirming Atticus’s amiability and close relationship with different generations of Roman leaders (cf. Att. 16.1), the letters sent to Atticus represent a continuous (contextam) and prophetic (cecinit ut vates) political history of the late republic between Cicero’s consulship and execution, and beyond.1 According to Nepos, in fact, the



科尼利厄斯·内波斯 (Cornelius Nepos) 的《阿蒂克斯传》早已排除了将西塞罗的十六卷《给阿蒂克斯的书信》作为(自传)阅读的可能性。在 Atticus 16.2-4 中,全神贯注于 Atticus 的 humanitas(拉丁语中的一个广义概念,这里最好与 Horsfall 1989a.24 一起翻译为“人性”),Nepos 将收藏与西塞罗提到 Atticus 的论文放在一起,并将这些字母确定为标记西塞罗对阿蒂克斯的爱不仅仅是兄弟般的爱。除了证实阿迪克斯的和蔼可亲以及与不同代罗马领导人的密切关系(参见 Att. 16.1)之外,寄给阿迪克斯的信件还代表了西塞罗担任执政官和被处决之间的晚期共和国的连续(上下文)和预言(cecinit ut vates)政治历史, 以及以后。 1 根据 Nepos 的说法,事实上,