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Thermal behaviour of concrete and corrugated zinc green roofs on low-rise housing in the humid tropics
Architectural Science Review ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-24 , DOI: 10.1080/00038628.2020.1751054
Sri Yuliani 1 , Gagoek Hardiman 2 , Erni Setyowati 2 , Wiwik Setyaningsih 3 , Yosafat Winarto 3

This study focused on two types of roof spaces: concrete and corrugated zinc. Both green roofs were covered with short-lived productive vegetables throughout dry and rainy seasons, monitored by an infrared thermometer and a wet-bulb-globe thermometer. The results show that the green roofs in the humid tropics had significant thermal insulation capabilities, with a decline in thermal conductivity, of up to 57.1% from 1.99 to 0.85 W/(m K) in the concrete roofs, and 90% from 5.87 to 0.59 W(m K) in the corrugated zinc roofs. As opposed to non-green roofs, green roofs could reduce heat flow by up to 56% from 19.3 to 8.5 W/m2 in concrete and could reach 50.8% from 39.6 to 19.5 W/m2 in corrugated zinc. Green roofs over humid tropical dwellings are therefore useful for improving environmental microclimates, particularly in dense urban contexts.



本研究侧重于两种类型的屋顶空间:混凝土和波纹锌。两个绿色屋顶在整个旱季和雨季都覆盖着短命的生产蔬菜,由红外温度计和湿球温度计监测。结果表明,潮湿热带地区的绿色屋顶具有显着的保温隔热能力,导热系数从混凝土屋顶的 1.99 降至 0.85 W/(m K) 高达 57.1%,从 5.87 降至 90%。 0.59 W(m K) 在波纹锌屋顶。与非绿色屋顶相比,绿色屋顶可以将混凝土中的热流从 19.3 减少到 8.5 W/m 2最多 56%,从 39.6 到 19.5 W/m 2最多可以减少50.8%在波纹锌。因此,潮湿热带住宅上的绿色屋顶有助于改善环境小气候,尤其是在人口稠密的城市环境中。
