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The Nurse's Tale: Other Worlds and Parallel Worlds in the Exposition of Euripides’Hypsipyle
Antichthon Pub Date : 2019-12-12 , DOI: 10.1017/ann.2019.6
James H. K. O. Chong-Gossard

This article analyses Euripides’ mythopoetics in what survives of the first quarter of his fragmentaryHypsipyle:prologue, parodos, and first episode. It examines Euripides’ innovation in joining two myths (the Seven Against Thebes and the story of Hypsipyle and the Argonauts) into one, and the representation of Hypsipyle herself. In her private moments, the thoughts that preoccupy her mind are focused on other-places and other-times, in vivid contrast to the naturalistically presented world of the present where, as a slave, she must interact with men. Euripides uses the language of serving (θɛραπɛύɛιν) and doing a ‘favour’ (χάρις), as well as the word ἐρῆμος (‘lonely,’ ‘deserted’) and homoeophonic language (e.g. Argo and Argos) to indicate that, in helping the Argives, Hypsipyle repeats typologically her hospitality to the Argonauts. There is a circularity in Hypsipyle's story that creates suspense, since by doing a favour for the Argive leader, she is reunited with the sons she bore to Argonauts’ leader, who themselves are sent to find her by their grandfather whom she saved; and by losing the infant in her care (Opheltes, later named Archemorus), she is reunited with her former infants. By the end of Hypsipyle's first conversation with Amphiaraus, Euripides has invented a theme of ‘parallel worlds’ that he will resolve at the play's end.



这篇文章分析了欧里庇得斯的神话诗学在他零碎的第一季度幸存下来的东西。蜉蝣:序幕,parodos和第一集。它考察了欧里庇得斯将两个神话(七反底比斯和希普斯派尔和阿尔戈英雄的故事)合二为一的创新,以及希普斯派尔本人的表现。在她的私人时刻,她脑海中的想法都集中在其他地方和其他时间,这与现在作为奴隶必须与男人互动的自然主义呈现的世界形成鲜明对比。欧里庇得斯使用服务语言(θɛραπɛύɛιν)和做“帮忙”(χάρις),以及单词ἐρῆμος(“孤独”、“荒凉”)和谐音语言(例如 Argo 和 Argos)来表示,在帮助Argives,Hypsipyle 在类型上重复了她对 Argonauts 的热情好客。Hypsipyle 的故事中有一个循环性,它制造了悬念,因为通过为 Argive 领导者提供帮助,她与她为阿尔戈英雄领袖所生的儿子团聚,他们自己被她救下的祖父派去寻找她;由于失去了她照顾的婴儿(Opheltes,后来被命名为 Archemorus),她与她以前的婴儿团聚了。在 Hypsipyle 与 Amphiaraus 的第一次对话结束时,欧里庇得斯发明了一个“平行世界”的主题,他将在剧末解决这个主题。