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Un-Making Sense of Alleged Abkhaz-Adyghean Inscriptions on Ancient Greek Pottery
Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-06 , DOI: 10.1163/15700577-12341301
Alexei Kassian 1

A large number of Ancient Greek vases dated to the 1st millennium BC contain short inscriptions. Normally, these represent names of craftsmen or names and descriptions of the depicted characters and objects. The majority of inscriptions are understandable in Ancient Greek, but there is a substantial number of abracadabra words whose meaning and morphological structure remain vague. Recently an interdisciplinary team (Mayor et alii 2014) came up with the idea that some of the nonsense inscriptions associated with Amazons and Scythians are actually written in ancient Abkhaz-Adyghe languages. The idea is promising since in the first half of the 1st millennium BC the Greeks initiated the process of active expansion in the Black Sea region, so it is natural to suppose that contacts with autochthonous peoples might be reflected in Greek art. Unfortunately, detailed examination suggests that the proposed Abkhaz-Adyghe decipherment is semantically and morphologically ad hoc , containing a number of inaccuracies and errors of various kinds. The methodological and factual flaws are so substantial that it makes Mayor et alii ’s results improbable.



大量可追溯到公元前一千年的古希腊花瓶中都有简短的题词。通常,这些代表工匠的姓名或所描绘人物和物体的名称和说明。大多数铭文在古希腊语中是可以理解的,但是有大量的阿巴拉卡达布拉词,其含义和形态结构仍然模糊。最近,一个跨学科团队(Mayor等人,2014年)提出了这样的想法,即与亚马逊和镰刀人有关的一些废话实际上是用古老的阿布哈兹-阿迪格语言编写的。这个想法很有希望,因为在公元前一千年上半叶,希腊人开始在黑海地区积极扩张,因此自然而然地认为与土生土长的民族的接触可能会反映在希腊艺术中。不幸的是,详细检查表明,拟议的阿布哈兹-阿迪格解密在语义和形态上都是特殊的,其中包含许多不准确和各种错误。方法论和事实上的缺陷是如此之大,以至于使Mayor et alii的结果难以置信。