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Female Elite Grave in the Necropolis Luchistoe-2 (Southern Crimea)
Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-06 , DOI: 10.1163/15700577-12341302
Valentina I. Mordvintseva 1 , Aleksander V. Lÿsenko 2 , Vyacheslav V. Masyakin 2

The article is a publication of the Grave 1 excavated in the necropolis of Luchistoe-2, which is so far the only known archaeological site in Southern Crimea with burial structures of the Early Roman period. The article includes suggestions regarding the scale and date of the necropolis, as well as the funerary rite, costume and cultural connections of the society using the burial-ground. It was established that the published grave contained the burial of a woman of high social status (probably a priestess) dated from the late-1st or early-2nd century AD . Analysis of the archaeological material in conjunction with information about the location of the necropolis and data from epigraphic documents and ancient litterary tradition, leads to the conclusion that the burial-ground was located in ‘Taurica’ – the territory between the Greek polis of Chersonesos and the Bosporan kingdom. It was used by the population, which was designated in the written sources as Scytho-Taurians (Plin. NH ., IV , 85-86; Arr. PPE . 30). These peoples were bearers of the so-called Late Scythian archaeological culture and belonged to the sphere of the Bosporan state’s cultural influence. This information can be used in further reconstructions of the ethno-political situation in the Crimea in Roman times.



本文是在Luchistoe-2墓地挖掘的Grave 1的出版物,Luchistoe-2是迄今为止在克里米亚南部唯一已知的具有早期罗马时期墓葬结构的考古遗址。本文包括有关墓地的规模和日期的建议,以及使用墓地的社会的丧葬礼仪,服饰和文化联系。可以确定,已发表的坟墓埋葬了公元1世纪末或2世纪初的具有较高社会地位的妇女(可能是女祭司)的葬礼。结合考古遗址的信息和墓志资料和古代文学传统的数据对考古材料进行分析,得出的结论是,墓地位于“塔乌里卡”(Taurica),这是希腊切尔诺索索和博斯普兰王国之间的领土。它被人口使用,在书面资料中被指定为Scytho-Taurians(Plin。NH。,IV,85-86; Arr。PPE。30)。这些民族是所谓的后斯基特斯考古文化的传承者,属于博斯普兰国家文化影响范围。该信息可用于进一步重建罗马时期克里米亚的民族政治局势。这些民族是所谓的后斯基特斯考古文化的传承者,属于博斯普兰国家文化影响范围。该信息可用于进一步重建罗马时期克里米亚的民族政治局势。这些民族是所谓的后斯基特斯考古文化的传承者,属于博斯普兰国家文化影响范围。该信息可用于进一步重建罗马时期克里米亚的民族政治局势。