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Ermanarichs arctoi gentes (Jordanes Getica, 116)
Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-07-26 , DOI: 10.1163/15700577-12341294
Vladimir Napol’skich 1

The well-knowm fragment from Jordanes Getica (116) containing the list of northern peoples allegedly conquered by the Gothic king Ermanarich is reconsidered taking into account the long history of studies, data of other late antique and early medieval sources and onomastics of Finno-Ugric, Iranian and North Caucasian languages. The list is considered to be originally a Gothic poetical memorandum similar to other Germanic thulas (as, e.g ., in “Widsith”) introduced into Latin text and partly latinized. The beginning of the list is determined after the syntax of the sentence where it is included and later interpunction of manuscripts. Beginning with the Gothic word thiudos ‘peoples’ ( Acc. pl .) the list is reconstructed as enumeration of ethnic groups and territories along the way from the Baltic over the Ladoga Lake to the upper Volga and down the Volga River up to its mouth and the North Caucasian steppe up to the Black Sea and, probably, Crimea. This must have been a way discovered by a Gothic expedition in the middle of the 4th c., when the Goths were very active in the Volga basin as it may be seen from the archaeological materials. All the names of the list are localized and interpreted with minimal emendations since they have either good parallels in historical sources or modern onomastics or may be understood as fragments of Gothic text. The results are shown on the map (Fig. 3).


Ermanarichs arctoi gentes(Jordanes Getica,116岁)

考虑到悠久的研究历史,其他晚期古董和早期中世纪资料以及Finno-Ugric的本体论,人们重新考虑了约旦·盖蒂卡(Jordanes Getica)(116)的著名片段,其中包含据称被哥特式国王埃玛纳里希(Ermanarich)征服的北方民族。 ,伊朗和北高加索语。该列表最初被认为是哥特式诗意备忘录,类似于引入拉丁文并部分拉丁化的其他日耳曼语thulas(例如,在“ Widsith”中)。列表的开头是根据包含该语句的句子的语法以及后来插入手稿确定的。始于哥特式单词thiudos'peoples'(Acc。pl。)清单是从拉多加湖上方的波罗的海到伏尔加河上游,伏尔加河直至其河口和北高加索草原直至黑海以及克里米亚的波罗的海沿途的各个民族和地区的清单。这一定是哥特式探险在四世纪中叶发现的一种方式,当时哥特人在伏尔加盆地非常活跃,从考古资料中可以看出。列表中的所有名称都是本地化的,并以最少的修改进行解释,因为它们在历史资料来源或现代本体论方面具有很好的相似性,或者可以理解为哥特式文本的一部分。结果显示在地图上(图3)。这一定是哥特式探险在四世纪中叶发现的一种方式,当时哥特人在伏尔加盆地非常活跃,从考古资料中可以看出。列表中的所有名称都是本地化的,并以最少的修改进行解释,因为它们在历史资料来源或现代本体论方面具有很好的相似性,或者可以理解为哥特式文本的一部分。结果显示在地图上(图3)。这一定是四世纪中叶的一次哥特探险所发现的一种方式,当时从考古资料中可以看出,哥特人在伏尔加河盆地非常活跃。列表中的所有名称都是本地化的,并以最少的修改进行解释,因为它们在历史资料来源或现代本体论方面具有很好的相似性,或者可以理解为哥特式文本的一部分。结果显示在地图上(图3)。