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Intimate sovereigns: Patriarchy, the fraternal horde, and the limits of power in Armenia
Cultural Dynamics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-18 , DOI: 10.1177/0921374020920699
Tamar Shirinian 1

Since the mid-1990s, Armenia has been dominated politically and economically by an oligarchy. While the figures who form this oligarchy are known as corrupt and brutal in their use of force in governing, their power also depends on intimate, kin-based, clientelist connections to the body politic. I argue that these forms of intimacy—the sharing of cultural values of proper Armenian governance—are established not only on patriarchy in the form of paternalism (political Fatherhood), but fraternal solidarities (political brotherhood) as well. Political patriarchy, thus, is a hierarchical yet horizontal formation of a multiplicity of men. While breaking with what is understood as a proper Armenian morality limits the sovereignty of figures who are seen as no longer legitimate to rule, sovereign power also depends on the brutal force necessary to vie for power among a fraternal horde.



