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Examining Community College Students’ Progression Through the English as a Second Language Sequence
Community College Review ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-13 , DOI: 10.1177/0091552119867467
Elizabeth S. Park 1

Objective: Although immigrant students placed in English as a Second Language (ESL) sequence at community colleges are a growing student population, there is a dearth of research focused on these students in college. This study provides descriptive estimates of community college students’ progression through the credit-earning ESL sequence and disaggregates the findings by Generation 1.5/2.0 status. As community colleges seek to better support students whose primary language is not English, this study provides some of the first empirical evidence on who is placing where and how long it takes students to progress through the ESL sequence. Method: This study uses transcript data from a community college in California that enrolls a large proportion of students in the ESL sequence and estimates a Cox proportional hazards model with time to completing English 101 as the dependent variable. Results: Most Generation 1.5/2.0 students who take the ESL placement test start three levels or below college-level English. Furthermore, Generation 1.5/2.0 students attempt and complete English 101 at a lower rate than international students. Results from the Cox proportional hazards model show that international students are more likely to complete English 101 than U.S. citizens at any given point in time. Among the Generation 1.5/2.0 subsample, female permanent residents are more likely to complete English 101 than citizens. Conclusion: The findings suggest a need to reassess the ESL placement process so that all students placed in ESL are able to successfully progress toward college-level English.



目标:尽管在社区学院学习英语作为第二语言 (ESL) 课程的移民学生人数不断增长,但缺乏针对这些学生的研究。本研究通过获得学分的 ESL 序列提供了社区大学生进步的描述性估计,并按第 1.5/2.0 代状态分解了调查结果。由于社区大学寻求更好地支持主要语言不是英语的学生,这项研究提供了一些关于谁将学生安置在何处以及需要多长时间才能通过 ESL 序列的初步经验证据。方法:本研究使用来自加利福尼亚州一所社区学院的成绩单数据,该学院在 ESL 序列中招收了大量学生,并以完成英语 101 的时间作为因变量来估计 Cox 比例风险模型。结果:大多数参加 ESL 分级考试的 1.5/2.0 代学生开始三个级别或大学级别以下的英语。此外,1.5/2.0 代学生尝试和完成英语 101 的比率低于国际学生。Cox 比例风险模型的结果表明,在任何给定时间点,国际学生比美国公民更有可能完成英语 101。在第 1.5/2.0 代子样本中,女性永久居民比公民更有可能完成英语 101。结论: