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Conversational storytelling research methods: cats, dogs, and humans in pet capitalism
Communication Research and Practice ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/22041451.2019.1683800
David M. Boje 1 , Grace Ann Rosile 2

ABSTRACT This essay is about methods of interpretation of conversational storytelling. By doing what Donna Haraway calls ‘multispecies storytelling’ research involving humans, dogs, and various animal organisations, we use storytelling to study what we call ‘pet capitalism’. We address the problems of interpreting story fragments in multispecies storytelling conversations in order to explore the Tamara-Land of organisational contexts of animal organisations within pet capitalism. We explore what Linda Hitchin calls ‘untold stories’, such as the euthanasia consequences of pet capitalism. We examine what those untold stories tell us about the animal-human-organisation’s resistance to being researched as pet capitalism. We apply Jean Paul Sartre’s existentialism and Harold Garfinkel’s ethnomethodology to the problem of intersubjectivity. Finally, we discuss implications of our explorations for the intersubjectivity of storytelling conversations which have unstoryable and unnarrativizable aspects of the multispecies storytelling of pet capitalism.



摘要这篇文章是关于对话故事讲述的方法。通过进行唐娜·哈拉威(Donna Haraway)所谓的涉及人类,狗和各种动物组织的“多物种故事讲述”研究,我们使用故事讲述来研究所谓的“宠物资本主义”。我们探讨了在多物种叙事对话中解释故事片段的问题,以探索宠物资本主义内动物组织的组织环境的塔玛拉土地。我们探讨了琳达·希钦(Linda Hitchin)所说的“不为人知的故事”,例如宠物资本主义的安乐死后果。我们研究了这些不为人知的故事,这些故事告诉我们有关动物-人类组织对被研究为宠物资本主义的抵抗。我们将让·保罗·萨特(Jean Paul Sartre)的存在主义和哈罗德·加芬克尔(Harold Garfinkel)的民族方法论应用于主体间性问题。最后,