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Literature in its Media Context
Chinese Semiotic Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-26 , DOI: 10.1515/css-2020-0010
Svend Erik Larsen 1

Abstract Literature consists of works of language, but it has never been able to function as literature without being part of a cluster of interconnected media. From time immemorial, oratures require performances to work and thus cannot exist without use of bodily signs or use of various tools and instruments. Today, of course, this extended media landscape is vaster and more complex and distributed through more differentiated and numerous agencies than ever before, which also changes the mutual relation among the media involved in the production, dissemination, and use of literature, as well as changing the position of literature in the media landscape. A growing anonymity of the agents for mediation also challenges the articulation of history and memory in today’s cultures. The aim of the paper is to contribute to an understanding of the dynamics of the entire cluster of media with literature at its center, rather than making an account of the separate media involved. The canonical Anglo-Irish eighteenth-century writer Jonathan Swift will serve as my primary material.



摘要文学由语言作品组成,但是如果不成为相互联系的媒体集群的一部分,它就无法作为文学发挥作用。从远古时代开始,人造器官就需要表演才能发挥作用,因此,如果不使用身体标志或使用各种工具和手段,就无法存在。当然,今天,这种扩展的媒体格局比以往任何时候都更广泛,更复杂,并且通过更多的差异化和众多的机构进行分发,这也改变了参与制作,传播和使用文学以及媒体的媒体之间的相互关系。改变文学在媒体领域的地位。调解代理人越来越匿名,也挑战了当今文化中对历史和记忆的表达。本文的目的是有助于理解以文学为中心的整个媒体集群的动态,而不是说明所涉及的单独媒体。规范的18世纪英裔爱尔兰作家乔纳森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift)将作为我的主要材料。