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A Bat’s End: The Christmas Island Pipistrelle and Extinction in Australia - John Woinarski, CSIRO Publishing, 2018
Australian Journal of Environmental Education ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-19 , DOI: 10.1017/aee.2020.14
Tessa Laird

A Bat’s End is intended as ‘an obituary and an inquest’ (p 1) for the first known species to have become extinct in Australia since the introduction of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Woinarski’s analysis reads like a whodunnit, exploring eight possible causes of the Pipistrelle’s extinction, including increased predation, extreme weather events, and exposure to new diseases, pollution and poison, but there is no single obvious explanation;rather, threats are ‘indirect, multiple, diffuse and subtle’ (p 139) Whether we think specifically of endangered bats, from loss of habitat;diseases such as white nose syndrome;climate change;and now COVID-19 related reprisals;or whether we think of extinctions of all creatures, and the unravelling of ecologies everywhere, A Bat’s End provides much material worth considering for the difficult journey ahead


蝙蝠的尽头:澳大利亚的圣诞岛小精灵和灭绝-约翰·沃纳斯基(John Woinarski),CSIRO出版社,2018年

自《 1999年环境保护和生物多样性保护法》出台以来,澳大利亚首个已灭绝的已知物种的“蝙蝠末端”意为“ an告和询问”(第1页)Woinarski的分析听起来像是一头胡须,探索了八种可能Pipistrelle灭绝的原因,包括捕食增加,极端天气事件以及接触新疾病,污染和毒药,但没有一个明显的解释;相反,威胁是“间接的,多重的,分散的和微妙的”(第139页)我们特别考虑到濒临灭绝的蝙蝠,这些物种包括栖息地丧失,白鼻子综合症等疾病,气候变化以及现在与COVID-19相关的报复;或者我们是否想到了所有生物的灭绝以及到处散布的生态,蝙蝠的尽头为未来的艰难旅程提供了很多值得考虑的材料