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The Successes and Failures of Economic Reform in Nigeria’s Post-Military Political Settlement
African Affairs ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-13 , DOI: 10.1093/afraf/adz026
Zainab Usman 1

This paper employs the political settlements framework to address a gap in our understanding of variation in the growth of industries within resource-rich economies. It puts forward the proposition that the political settlement within which specific economic reforms are formulated and implemented accounts for the variation in the growth and decline of economic sectors. As a framework for analysis, the political settlement enables us identify a society’s sources of instability, which could be horizontal (elite competition), vertical (societal redistribution demands) or external (oil shocks and donor pressures), the pressures they exert on a ruling elite, and the growth-enhancing or growth-retarding policy responses to address these pressures. Focusing on the telecommunications and oil sectors in Nigeria, the paper finds that, the external pressure operating through oil shocks and fiscal constraints on the ruling coalition at the end of military rule from 1999 generated growth-orientated policy responses in non-oil sectors such as telecommunications. Concurrently, the oil sector was insulated by successive ruling coalitions from reform, leading to its stagnation and decline. Three causal mechanisms are identified: 1. The nature of threats to the ruling elite explain the relative success of telecommunications liberalisation while the oil sector, insulated from reform, remained an instrument for dispensing patronage. 2. The capacity and resources of the ruling coalition in assembling a technocratic economic team and selectively empowering a domestic business class had a differential impact on the telecommunications and oil sectors. 3. The inequities in the distribution of benefits: of a growing telecommunications and broader service economy which responded to reforms, horizontally to a few elites and vertically to a small labour force heightened eliteand wider societaldistributional pressures on oil rents, which fostered inefficiencies in the oil sector, but also undermined the reforms’ legitimacy. It is hoped that this paper contributes to our understanding of the political underpinnings of the on-going economic transformation in sub-Saharan Africa and generally, the mechanisms of variation in the growth and decline of economic sectors in resource-rich countries. The Global Economic Governance Programme is directed by Ngaire Woods and has been made possible through the generous support of Old Members of University College. Its research projects are principally funded by the Ford Foundation (New York), the International Development Research Centre (Ottawa), and the MacArthur Foundation (Chicago). 1 Zainab Usman is completing her DPhil in International Development at the University of Oxford. This paper draws extensively from Usman’s doctoral thesis entitled ‘The Political Economy of Economic Diversification in Nigeria’. Email: Zainab.Usman@qeh.ox.ac.uk. With many thanks to Dr Nemat Bizhan (Oxford-Princeton Global Leaders Fellow) and Jonathan Phillips (Harvard University) for comments on earlier drafts of the paper. The Global Economic Governance Programme University of Oxford Page 2 of 54 The Successes and Failures of Economic Reform in Nigeria’s Post-Military Political Settlement – Zainab Usman © March 2016 / GEG WP 115 Table of



本文采用政治解决框架来解决我们对资源丰富经济体中产业增长变化的理解上的差距。它提出了具体经济改革的制定和实施的政治解决方案要考虑经济部门增长和衰退的变化的命题。作为分析框架,政治解决方案使我们能够确定社会不稳定的来源,可能是横向(精英竞争)、纵向(社会再分配需求)或外部(石油冲击和捐助者压力),它们对裁决施加的压力精英,以及为应对这些压力而采取的促进增长或减缓增长的政策反应。该论文以尼日利亚的电信和石油部门为重点,发现,1999 年军事统治结束时,石油冲击和财政限制给执政联盟带来的外部压力在电信等非石油部门产生了以增长为导向的政策反应。与此同时,石油部门被历届执政联盟排除在改革之外,导致其停滞和衰退。确定了三个因果机制: 1. 统治精英受到威胁的性质解释了电信自由化相对成功的原因,而与改革隔绝的石油部门仍然是分配赞助的工具。2. 执政联盟在组建技术官僚经济团队和有选择地授权国内商业阶层方面的能力和资源对电信和石油行业产生了不同的影响。3. 利益分配的不公平:不断增长的电信和更广泛的服务经济对改革做出反应,横向对少数精英和纵向对一小部分劳动力作出反应,加剧了精英和更广泛的社会对石油租金的分配压力,从而导致石油部门效率低下,但也破坏了改革的合法性。希望本文有助于我们理解撒哈拉以南非洲正在进行的经济转型的政治基础,以及资源丰富国家经济部门增长和衰退的变化机制。全球经济治理计划由 Ngaire Woods 指导,并通过大学学院老成员的慷慨支持成为可能。其研究项目主要由福特基金会(纽约)、国际发展研究中心(渥太华)和麦克阿瑟基金会(芝加哥)资助。1 Zainab Usman 正在牛津大学攻读国际发展博士学位。本文广泛借鉴了乌斯曼题为“尼日利亚经济多元化的政治经济学”的博士论文。电子邮件:Zainab.Usman@qeh.ox.ac.uk。非常感谢 Nemat Bizhan 博士(牛津-普林斯顿全球领导者研究员)和 Jonathan Phillips(哈佛大学)对本文早期草稿的评论。牛津大学全球经济治理计划 第 2 页,共 54 页 尼日利亚后军事政治解决经济改革的成功与失败 – Zainab Usman © 2016 年 3 月 / GEG WP 115 表 国际发展研究中心(渥太华)和麦克阿瑟基金会(芝加哥)。1 Zainab Usman 正在牛津大学攻读国际发展博士学位。本文广泛借鉴了乌斯曼题为“尼日利亚经济多元化的政治经济学”的博士论文。电子邮件:Zainab.Usman@qeh.ox.ac.uk。非常感谢 Nemat Bizhan 博士(牛津-普林斯顿全球领导者研究员)和 Jonathan Phillips(哈佛大学)对本文早期草稿的评论。牛津大学全球经济治理计划 第 2 页,共 54 页 尼日利亚后军事政治解决经济改革的成功与失败 – Zainab Usman © 2016 年 3 月 / GEG WP 115 表 国际发展研究中心(渥太华)和麦克阿瑟基金会(芝加哥)。1 Zainab Usman 正在牛津大学攻读国际发展博士学位。本文广泛借鉴了乌斯曼题为“尼日利亚经济多元化的政治经济学”的博士论文。电子邮件:Zainab.Usman@qeh.ox.ac.uk。非常感谢 Nemat Bizhan 博士(牛津-普林斯顿全球领导者研究员)和 Jonathan Phillips(哈佛大学)对本文早期草稿的评论。牛津大学全球经济治理计划 第 2 页,共 54 页 尼日利亚后军事政治定居点经济改革的成功与失败 – Zainab Usman © 2016 年 3 月 / GEG WP 115 表 1 Zainab Usman 正在牛津大学攻读国际发展博士学位。本文广泛借鉴了乌斯曼题为“尼日利亚经济多元化的政治经济学”的博士论文。电子邮件:Zainab.Usman@qeh.ox.ac.uk。非常感谢 Nemat Bizhan 博士(牛津-普林斯顿全球领导者研究员)和 Jonathan Phillips(哈佛大学)对本文早期草稿的评论。牛津大学全球经济治理计划 第 2 页,共 54 页 尼日利亚后军事政治解决经济改革的成功与失败 – Zainab Usman © 2016 年 3 月 / GEG WP 115 表 1 Zainab Usman 正在牛津大学攻读国际发展博士学位。本文广泛借鉴了乌斯曼题为“尼日利亚经济多元化的政治经济学”的博士论文。电子邮件:Zainab.Usman@qeh.ox.ac.uk。非常感谢 Nemat Bizhan 博士(牛津-普林斯顿全球领导者研究员)和 Jonathan Phillips(哈佛大学)对本文早期草稿的评论。牛津大学全球经济治理计划 第 2 页,共 54 页 尼日利亚后军事政治解决经济改革的成功与失败 – Zainab Usman © 2016 年 3 月 / GEG WP 115 表 Usman@qeh.ox.ac.uk。非常感谢 Nemat Bizhan 博士(牛津-普林斯顿全球领导者研究员)和 Jonathan Phillips(哈佛大学)对本文早期草稿的评论。牛津大学全球经济治理计划 第 2 页,共 54 页 尼日利亚后军事政治解决经济改革的成功与失败 – Zainab Usman © 2016 年 3 月 / GEG WP 115 表 Usman@qeh.ox.ac.uk。非常感谢 Nemat Bizhan 博士(牛津-普林斯顿全球领导者研究员)和 Jonathan Phillips(哈佛大学)对本文早期草稿的评论。牛津大学全球经济治理计划 第 2 页,共 54 页 尼日利亚后军事政治解决经济改革的成功与失败 – Zainab Usman © 2016 年 3 月 / GEG WP 115 表