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Affording Archaeology: How Field School Costs Promote Exclusivity
Advances in Archaeological Practice ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-13 , DOI: 10.1017/aap.2020.7
Laura E. Heath-Stout , Elizabeth M. Hannigan

Field schools are essential for undergraduate students pursuing careers in archaeology, but they are expensive and, consequently, inaccessible to many. Although there have been efforts to rectify this through the creation of scholarships, there have been no systematic studies of the full cost of archaeological field schools. Here, we present a study of 208 field schools from 2019, including their tuition, room and board, and airfare, as well as the wages that students may lose by participating in them rather than working. We also explore how archaeologists interviewed for Heath-Stout's dissertation study of diversity issues in the discipline have navigated finding field experiences. We argue that scholarships are an ineffective and insufficient means of promoting equity and accessibility in the field because the root of the problem lies in institutionalized inequality and exclusivity. We provide strategies that students and faculty can use to address these problems on both individual and systemic levels. By making field schools affordable and accessible to a more diverse set of undergraduate students, we can create a more just and inclusive discipline.



野外学校对于追求考古学职业的本科生来说是必不可少的,但它们很昂贵,因此许多人无法进入。尽管已经努力通过设立奖学金来纠正这一问题,但还没有系统地研究考古实地学校的全部费用。在这里,我们对 2019 年的 208 所野外学校进行了一项研究,包括学费、食宿费和机票,以及学生参加这些学校而不是工作可能会损失的工资。我们还探讨了在 Heath-Stout 的关于该学科多样性问题的论文研究中采访的考古学家是如何找到实地经验的。我们认为,奖学金是促进该领域公平和可及性的一种无效且不充分的手段,因为问题的根源在于制度化的不平等和排他性。我们提供了学生和教师可以用来在个人和系统层面解决这些问题的策略。通过使更多样化的本科生能够负担得起并可以使用野外学校,我们可以创建一个更加公正和包容的学科。