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A Proposal for the Standardized Reporting of Error and Paradata Regarding Structure from Motion (SfM) 3D Models Used in Recording and Consolidating Archaeological Architecture
Advances in Archaeological Practice ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-20 , DOI: 10.1017/aap.2020.11
Mario Borrero , Luke R. Stroth

In the past decade, archaeologists have increasingly made use of photogrammetry, the process of creating 3D models from photographs, in a variety of field and lab settings. We argue that we must, as a discipline, develop a consistent methodology to ensure that 3D models are held to a consistent standard, including not only photographic protocol but also the documentation of model accuracy using an agreed-upon measure. To help develop this discussion, we present our system for incorporating photogrammetry into the documentation of architecture. This technique was developed at the site of Nim Li Punit, Belize, in 2018. Excavating architecture involves documenting the pre-excavated building, liberating overburden, documenting all in situ construction (including wall fall, fill stones, and standing architecture), drawing consolidated architecture, and documenting the final state of the post-excavated buildings. The generation of 3D models greatly assisted in all facets of the excavation, documentation, analysis, and consolidation processes. To ensure that our models were accurate, we documented the reprojection error and final model horizontal distortion to assess the quality of the model. We suggest that documenting both forms of error should become standard practice in any discussion of archaeological applications of photogrammetry.


关于用于记录和巩固考古建筑的运动结构 (SfM) 3D 模型的错误和参数数据标准化报告的建议

在过去十年中,考古学家越来越多地在各种现场和实验室环境中使用摄影测量,即从照片创建 3D 模型的过程。我们认为,作为一门学科,我们必须开发一种一致的方法,以确保 3D 模型符合一致的标准,不仅包括摄影协议,还包括使用商定措施的模型准确性文档。为了帮助展开这一讨论,我们展示了将摄影测量纳入建筑文档的系统。这项技术于 2018 年在伯利兹的 Nim Li Punit 现场开发。挖掘建筑包括记录预挖掘的建筑物、释放覆盖层、记录所有现场施工(包括墙壁倒塌、填充石块和站立式建筑)、绘图巩固建筑学,并记录挖掘后建筑物的最终状态。3D 模型的生成极大地帮助了挖掘、记录、分析和巩固过程的各个方面。为了确保我们的模型是准确的,我们记录了重投影误差和最终模型水平失真以评估模型的质量。我们建议记录这两种形式的错误应该成为任何讨论摄影测量考古应用的标准做法。