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The power of the purse
Administration ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-01 , DOI: 10.2478/admin-2018-0033
Sean Cromien

Sean Cromien, former secretary general at the Department of Finance and former chair and president of the Institute of Public Administration (IPA), died in August 2018. Cromien joined the Department of Finance as an administrative officer in 1952. He stayed there for the remainder of his career, rising steadily through the ranks during the period of T. K. Whitaker’s leadership of the department from 1956 to 1969. He became second secretary in charge of the Budget and Economic Division in 1977 and secretary general from 1987 to 1994. During this time he oversaw the production of nineteen budgets and is credited with helping to get the country’s finances under control after the high spending of the 1970s. Cromien was the senior member of a three-man ‘Financial Review Board’, along with his second secretary, Bob Curran, and economist Colm McCarthy, which became known as ‘An Bord Snip’, dictating public spending policy over the following years. These experiences undoubtedly contributed to his assessment of the role of civil servants, those in the Department of Finance in particular, as ‘the last of the small spenders’. He also played an important role during the currency crisis of 1992–3, which led to the devaluation of the Irish pound on 30 January



前财政部秘书长、公共行政学院 (IPA) 前主席兼主席肖恩·克罗米恩于 2018 年 8 月去世。克罗米恩于 1952 年加入财政部担任行政官员。他在那里度过余生在 TK Whitaker 从 1956 年到 1969 年领导部门期间,他的职业生涯稳步上升。他于 1977 年成为主管预算和经济司的二等秘书,并于 1987 年到 1994 年担任秘书长。在此期间,他监督了 19 个预算的制定,并被认为在 1970 年代的高支出之后帮助控制了国家的财政。Cromien 是一个由三人组成的“金融审查委员会”的高级成员,还有他的第二任秘书 Bob Curran 和经济学家 Colm McCarthy,它被称为“An Bord Snip”,决定了接下来几年的公共支出政策。这些经历无疑有助于他评估公务员的作用,特别是财政部的公务员,作为“最后的小额支出者”。他还在 1992-3 年的货币危机中发挥了重要作用,导致爱尔兰镑于 1 月 30 日贬值