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Genetic Influences on Social Relationships: Sex Differences in the Mediating Role of Personality and Social Cognition
Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s40750-019-00120-5
Eiluned Pearce , Rafael Wlodarski , Anna Machin , Robin I. M. Dunbar

In humans (and primates more generally), evolutionary fitness arises by two separate routes: conventional reproduction build around dyadic relationships and, reflecting the processes of group augmentation selection, how well individuals are embedded in their community. These processes are facilitated by a suite of genetically inherited neuroendocrines and neurotransmitters. It is not, however, known whether these effects are directly due to genetic factors or are mediated by aspects of personality, or whether there are sex differences in the way this is organised. We examine whether dispositional factors related to the processing of social information, such as personality (Big 5 and Impulsivity), attachment style (Anxious and Avoidant dimensions) and sociocognitive capacity (emotion recognition) mediate associations between variation in receptor genes for oxytocin, vasopressin, beta-endorphin, dopamine, serotonin, testosterone and two core social relationship indices (the Sociosexual Orientation Index [SOI] and Support Network size). In men, variation in dopamine genes indirectly influences SOI through its effect on Impulsivity. In contrast, in women, variation in endorphin and vasopressin genes independently affect Openness to Experience, which mediates indirect effects of these genes on SOI. Moreover, endorphin gene variation also impacts on Network Size in women (but not men), via Extraversion. These findings reveal that dispositional aspects of personality mediate some genetic effects on behaviour, thereby extending our understanding of how genetic and dispositional variation interact to determine individual differences in human sexual and social cognition and behaviour. The differences between the sexes seem to reflect differences in the two sexes’ social strategies.



在人类(和更普遍的灵长类动物)中,进化适应性是通过两种不同的途径产生的:常规繁殖围绕二元关系建立,并且反映了群体增强选择的过程,个体在社区中的嵌入程度如何。一组遗传遗传的神经内分泌和神经递质促进了这些过程。但是,尚不清楚这些影响是直接由于遗传因素引起还是由人格方面介导,或者其组织方式是否存在性别差异。我们检查个性因素(Big 5和冲动性)是否与处理社会信息有关的倾向性因素,依恋方式(焦虑和回避维度)和社会认知能力(情绪识别)介导催产素,加压素,β-内啡肽,多巴胺,5-羟色胺,睾丸激素和两个核心社会关系指数(社会性倾向指数[SOI])的受体基因变异之间的关联和支持网络规模)。在男性中,多巴胺基因的变异通过对冲动的影响间接影响SOI。相反,在女性中,内啡肽和加压素基因的变异独立地影响体验的开放性,从而介导这些基因对SOI的间接影响。此外,内啡肽基因变异还通过外向性影响女性(而非男性)的网络规模。这些发现表明,人格的性格方面介导了某些遗传行为,从而扩展了我们对遗传变异和性格变异如何相互作用以确定人类性别和社会认知与行为的个体差异的理解。两性之间的差异似乎反映了两性在社交策略上的差异。