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The Transportation of Bigamists in Early-Nineteenth-Century England and Wales
The Journal of Legal History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/01440365.2019.1666508
Rebecca Probert 1 , Liam D’Arcy-Brown 1

ABSTRACT Between 1795 and 1853, over 250 men and women were sentenced to transportation for committing the crime of bigamy. This harsh treatment is at odds with the assumption that the sentences handed down to bigamists were generally light. This article provides the first in-depth study of the use of transportation in this context, drawing on the criminal registers, the Proceedings of the Old Bailey, and local and national newspaper reports in order to ascertain who was transported for bigamy, and why. Analysing a range of aggravating and mitigating factors, it shows why certain cases were deemed to merit the harshest form of punishment, while others, despite exhibiting some of the same factors, were treated more leniently. The sheer greed, deceit and nastiness demonstrated by many of these bigamists provide a significant counter-narrative to the depiction of bigamy as a substitute for divorce and raises broader questions about its incidence.


19 世纪早期英格兰和威尔士重婚者的交通

摘要 1795 年至 1853 年间,有超过 250 名男女因重婚罪被判处运输。这种严厉的待遇与传给重婚者的判决通常很轻的假设不一致。本文首次深入研究了在这种情况下使用交通工具的情况,利用犯罪记录、老贝利诉讼程序以及地方和国家报纸的报道,以确定谁因重婚而被运送,以及原因。通过分析一系列加重和减轻处罚的因素,它说明了为什么某些案件被认为应该受到最严厉的惩罚,而另一些案件尽管表现出一些相同的因素,却得到了更宽大的对待。贪得无厌,