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Rethinking Actor Training for the iPhone Generation
Teaching Artist Journal ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/15411796.2017.1340708
Tracey Moore

ABSTRACT Increased technology use by college-age students (millennials) has created problems for the acting classroom. Constantin Stanislavski's technique is still the standard, but students arrive to campus unready or unable to engage in his methods or with each other, so new approaches are required. Classroom exercises are provided, many inspired by current social-science research.


重新思考 iPhone 一代的演员训练

摘要 大学生(千禧一代)越来越多地使用技术,这给表演课堂带来了问题。康斯坦丁斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基的技术仍然是标准,但学生到达校园时还没有准备好或无法参与他的方法或彼此之间,因此需要新的方法。提供课堂练习,其中许多灵感来自当前的社会科学研究。