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Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose: Léontine Zanta’s La science et l’amour (1920)
Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00397709.2019.1592898
Hope Christiansen 1

Abstract Léontine Zanta, the first woman docteur ès lettres at the Sorbonne, affirmed in her essay on feminism that the landscape for career women had improved since the publication of Colette Yver’s Princesses de science, a novel about women doctors. For her, “le nouveau problème,” which she hoped to solve in La Science et l’amour, was to determine if “la vie de l’intelligence et celle du coeur” could be reconciled. But this was in fact an old problem, one at the heart of two representative Belle Époque novels by women. Zanta uses the Belle Époque template but situates her narrative in a society torn apart by war, adding a religious element that further problematizes the “heart” half of the enduring head/heart binary. Though the title of her novel hints that love and intellectual pursuits may at last be on equal footing, juggling the personal and the professional remains problematic.


加上 ça change,加上 c'est la meme 选择:Léontine Zanta 的 La science et l'amour (1920)

摘要 Léontine Zanta 是索邦大学的第一位女博士,在她关于女权主义的文章中肯定,自从科莱特·伊维尔 (Colette Yver) 的《科学公主》(Princesses de science) 出版后,职业女性的境遇有所改善,这是一部关于女医生的小说。对她来说,她希望在 La Science et l'amour 中解决的“新问题”是为了确定“la vie de l'intelligence et celle du coeur”是否可以调和。但这实际上是一个老问题,是两部具有代表性的美好年代女性小说的核心问题。赞塔使用了美好年代的模板,但将她的叙述置于一个被战争撕裂的社会中,添加了宗教元素,进一步使持久的头脑/心脏二元的“心脏”部分问题化。虽然她的小说标题暗示着爱情和智力的追求最终可能是平等的,