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Astronomy, Latinity, Enlightenment: Niels Krog Bredal’s Poems Commemorating the Transits of Venus, 1761 and 1769
Symbolae Osloenses ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/00397679.2016.1235875
Per Pippin Aspaas 1

The subject of this article is three pieces of elegiac Latin poetry, written in Trondheim by the mayor of the town, Niels Krog Bredal. The occasion for the poems were the transits of Venus occurring in the years 1761 and 1769, a rare phenomenon attracting considerable attention from natural philosophers of the Enlightenment and spurring numerous scientific expeditions across the globe. Bredal wrote the poems to commemorate expeditions undertaken by Thomas Bugge and Urban Bruun Aaskow (Trondheim, 1761), Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein (Trondheim, 1769), and Maximilianus Hell (Vardø, 1769). Bredal is primarily remembered as an important, albeit controversial, figure within Dano-Norwegian theatre history. His Latin poems reveal another side of his character, a person with a keen interest in the natural sciences, and more than willing to express his insights through poetry. The article includes an edition with critical apparatus, translation, and commentary.


天文学、拉丁学、启蒙:尼尔斯·克罗格·布雷达尔 (Niels Krog Bredal) 1761 年和 1769 年纪念金星凌日的诗歌

本文的主题是三首挽歌的拉丁诗歌,由镇长 Niels Krog Bredal 在特隆赫姆撰写。诗歌发生在 1761 年和 1769 年发生的金星凌日,这是一种罕见的现象,引起了启蒙运动自然哲学家的极大关注,并激发了全球众多的科学考察。Bredal 写了这些诗来纪念 Thomas Bugge 和 Urban Bruun Aaskow(特隆赫姆,1761 年)、Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein(特隆赫姆,1769 年)和 Maximilianus Hell(Vardø,1769 年)进行的探险。布雷达尔主要被人们铭记为丹麦-挪威戏剧史上一个重要的、尽管有争议的人物。他的拉丁诗歌揭示了他性格的另一面,一个对自然科学有着浓厚兴趣的人,并且非常愿意通过诗歌来表达他的见解。这篇文章包括一个带有批判性仪器、翻译和评论的版本。