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Breaking Free from the Needs Paradigm: A Collaborative Analysis of Inclusion
Studying Teacher Education Pub Date : 2018-12-07 , DOI: 10.1080/17425964.2018.1541290
Edda Óskarsdóttir 1 , Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir 1 , Deborah Tidwell 2

ABSTRACT This self-study, based on research, conducted over five years, focuses on my leadership role employing an inclusion model of education in a school in Iceland serving students from ages 6 to 16. In this article, we examine how Edda’s practice helped support inclusion for the students, their families, and the teachers who engage with them. This multilayered self-study research project included feedback and insights from others in order to inform my understanding of my practice within the context of inclusion. Findings reveal Edda’s focus on the discourse of diagnosis as a dominant structural issue within her practice. The resulting themes on perceptions of inclusion, coordination of support, deployment of people, and collaboration across different entities have informed my understanding about my practice and my perspective on the meaning of a support system within inclusive education and improved student performance.


