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Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/17503132.2019.1601336
Birgit Beumers

The journal’s second issue for 2019 is a truly special issue: it is devoted to the centenary of Russia’s first and foremost film school, VGIK, in Moscow, the cradle of Soviet filmmaking, film history and studies. The special issue has been developed in collaboration with Stephen M. Norris, whom I should like to thank for his fabulous work on the Englishlanguage contributions; and in association with VGIK, where I would like to thank above all the rector, Vladimir Malyshev, for supporting the idea for this edition, and personally the pro-rector for research, Elena Rusinova and the head of the Research Sector, Alevtina Chinarova. I should also like to thank the colleagues from the Research Sector, which was sadly disbanded half-way through the work on this edition, in November 2018. I should like to thank them for their ideas and their inspiration, especially Nikolai Izvolov, Sergei Kapterev and Nina Sputnitskaya for their help with crisis management; Andrei Apostolov and Natalie Ryabchikova for recording interviews with Armen Medvedev and Naum Kleiman; and Natalia Chertova in the Cabinet for the History of Domestic Cinema, without whom film history would just stand still. My deep gratitude and respect also goes to the wonderful volunteer translators: Jake Beard, Raymond De Luca, Dasha Ezerova, Zinaida Osipova and Richard Taylor. Although this issue is a somewhat expanded edition and a little ‘thicker’ than usual, this does not mean that it aims at providing a history of VGIK – that has been done in a range of article and chapter publications in English and Russian. However, the work on this issue has brought to the surface a range of aspects in the organisation of a film school – its structure, its curricula, its disciplines – that may be of interest for future research and may turn our scholarly attention further to the history of film schools and film studies. Indeed, when dealing with aspects of the history of VGIK, we should first explain a simplification we have adopted throughout this issue, calling it ‘Institute’ and using the acronym, V.G.I.K. Indeed, the institution changed its name several times, launching as the First State Film School in 1919 (Goskinoshkola) and renamed to State Technical College of Cinematography (GTK) in early 1922, and later in the same year to State Institute of Cinema (GIK, Gosudarstvennyi institut kinematografii). In 1938 ‘All-Union’ (vsesoiuznyi) was added to its name, and in 1986 it was named after Sergei Gerasimov. Since 1992 it retained the acronym VGIK, but the ‘V’ now stood for ‘All-Russian’ (vserossiiskii). From 2008 to 2015 the Institute was a University and reverted back to an Institute in 2015. In short: VGIK. This issue comprises four sections: the first addresses the origins of film studies and focuses on two of the earliest representatives of this discipline kinovedenie at VGIK: there is a thoroughly researched biographical essay on Nikolai Iezuitov written by the VGIK graduate (and winner of one of SRSC’s competitions) Sultan Usuvaliev. This is followed STUDIES IN RUSSIAN AND SOVIET CINEMA 2019, VOL. 13, NO. 2, 107–108 https://doi.org/10.1080/17503132.2019.1601336



该杂志 2019 年的第二期是一个真正的特刊:它致力于纪念俄罗斯第一个也是最重要的电影学院 VGIK 一百周年,莫斯科是苏联电影制作、电影史和研究的摇篮。特刊是与 Stephen M. Norris 合作开发的,我要感谢他在英语语言方面做出的出色工作;与 VGIK 合作,我首先要感谢校长 Vladimir Malyshev 支持本版的想法,并亲自感谢研究副校长 Elena Rusinova 和研究部门负责人 Alevtina Chinarova。我还要感谢研究部门的同事,该部门于 2018 年 11 月在本版工作中途不幸解散。 感谢他们的想法和灵感,特别是尼古拉·伊兹沃洛夫、谢尔盖·卡普捷列夫和尼娜·斯普特尼茨卡娅,感谢他们在危机管理方面的帮助;Andrei Apostolov 和 Natalie Ryabchikova 录制了对 Armen Medvedev 和 Naum Kleiman 的采访;和娜塔莉亚·切尔托娃(Natalia Chertova)在国内电影史内阁,没有她,电影史将停滞不前。我还要感谢那些出色的志愿翻译人员:Jake Beard、Raymond De Luca、Dasha Ezerova、Zinaida Osipova 和 Richard Taylor。尽管本期的版本有所扩展,并且比平时更“厚”一些,但这并不意味着它旨在提供 VGIK 的历史——这已经在一系列以英语和俄语出版的文章和章节中完成。然而,关于这个问题的工作揭示了电影学院组织的一系列方面——它的结构、它的课程、它的学科——可能对未来的研究感兴趣,并可能将我们的学术注意力进一步转向电影的历史。电影学校和电影研究。事实上,在处理 VGIK 历史的各个方面时,我们应该首先解释我们在整个问题中采用的简化,称其为“研究所”并使用首字母缩略词 VGIK 事实上,该机构多次更名,作为第一个推出1919 年国立电影学院 (Goskinoshkola),1922 年初更名为国立电影技术学院 (GTK),同年稍后更名为国立电影学院 (GIK,Gosudarstvennyi institut kinematografii)。1938 年,“All-Union”(vsesoiuznyi)被添加到其名称中,1986 年以谢尔盖·格拉西莫夫的名字命名。自 1992 年以来,它保留了首字母缩写词 VGIK,但现在“V”代表“全俄语”(vserossiiskii)。从 2008 年到 2015 年,该研究所是一所大学,并于 2015 年恢复为研究所。简而言之:VGIK。本期包括四个部分:第一部分讨论电影研究的起源,重点介绍 VGIK 该学科最早的两位代表 kinovedenie:VGIK 毕业生(其中一位获得者)撰写了一篇关于 Nikolai Iezuitov 的深入研究的传记文章。 SRSC 的比赛)苏丹乌苏瓦列夫。这是俄罗斯和苏联电影 2019 年的研究,卷。13,没有。2, 107–108 https://doi.org/10.1080/17503132.2019.1601336 从 2008 年到 2015 年,该研究所是一所大学,并于 2015 年恢复为研究所。简而言之:VGIK。本期包括四个部分:第一部分讨论电影研究的起源,重点介绍 VGIK 该学科最早的两位代表 kinovedenie:VGIK 毕业生(其中一位获得者)撰写了一篇关于 Nikolai Iezuitov 的深入研究的传记文章。 SRSC 的比赛)苏丹乌苏瓦列夫。这是俄罗斯和苏联电影 2019 年的研究,卷。13,没有。2, 107–108 https://doi.org/10.1080/17503132.2019.1601336 从 2008 年到 2015 年,该研究所是一所大学,并于 2015 年恢复为研究所。简而言之:VGIK。本期包括四个部分:第一部分讨论电影研究的起源,重点介绍 VGIK 该学科最早的两位代表 kinovedenie:VGIK 毕业生(其中一位获得者)撰写了一篇关于 Nikolai Iezuitov 的深入研究的传记文章。 SRSC 的比赛)苏丹乌苏瓦列夫。这是俄罗斯和苏联电影 2019 年的研究,卷。13,没有。2, 107–108 https://doi.org/10.1080/17503132.2019.1601336 VGIK 毕业生(也是 SRSC 竞赛的获胜者)Sultan Usuvaliev 撰写了一篇关于 Nikolai Iezuitov 的经过深入研究的传记文章。这是俄罗斯和苏联电影 2019 年的研究,卷。13,没有。2, 107–108 https://doi.org/10.1080/17503132.2019.1601336 VGIK 毕业生(也是 SRSC 竞赛的获胜者)Sultan Usuvaliev 撰写了一篇关于 Nikolai Iezuitov 的经过深入研究的传记文章。这是俄罗斯和苏联电影 2019 年的研究,卷。13,没有。2, 107–108 https://doi.org/10.1080/17503132.2019.1601336