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Adult learning and circumstantial activism in the coal seam gas protests: Informal and incidental learning in an environmental justice movement
Studies in the Education of Adults ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-16 , DOI: 10.1080/02660830.2020.1750828
Tracey Anne Ollis 1

Abstract This paper outlines adult learning in a rural campaign to prevent mining for coal seam gas in Victoria. In central Gippsland, largely known as the food bowl in the State of Victoria in Australia, a campaign against fracking for coal seam gas has managed to gain a permanent ban on fracking. This policy change would not have been possible without strategic locally based community campaigning that has mobilised protesters in many rural towns across central Gippsland. This paper examines how a diverse movement of circumstantial activists; farmers, tree changers and a small group of experienced environmental activists, have been able to resist coal seam gas exploration and fracking by large mining companies. Situated in the ‘pedagogical turn’ in new social movements, it examines the strategic educative processes that are involved in building a movement for change and the social conditions which enable informal, incidental learning and non-formal learning to occur as activists learn both individually and collectively from one another in the site of protest. Drawing on qualitative case study data and in-depth interviews, this research embodies the dynamic nature of activists’ experiences as they learn to challenge powerful discourses of economic development, in a time of neoliberal economic dominance, by resisting multinational mining companies fracking on their land.



摘要本文概述了在维多利亚州为防止煤层气开采而开展的农村运动中的成人学习。在吉普斯兰中部(澳大利亚维多利亚州广为人知的食物碗),针对煤层气压裂的运动成功获得了永久性的压裂禁令。如果没有战略性的本地社区运动来动员吉普斯兰中部许多农村城镇的抗议者,就不可能实现这一政策变化。本文研究了环境活动家的多元化运动。农民,树木更换者和一小撮经验丰富的环保主义者,已经能够抵制大型矿业公司开采煤层气和压裂的问题。处于新的社会运动的“教学转向”中,它研究了参与变革运动的战略教育过程以及社会条件,这些条件使积极分子在抗议场所彼此或集体学习时,可以进行非正式的,偶然的学习和非正式的学习。利用定性的案例研究数据和深入的访谈,这项研究体现了维权人士在新自由主义经济统治时期通过抵制跨国采矿公司在其土地上的脆弱发展而挑战强大的经济发展话语时所经历的动态性质。 。