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Baltic-German pro-serfdom thought in the Russian Baltic provinces from a comparative perspective
Slavery & Abolition ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-04 , DOI: 10.1080/0144039x.2020.1816101
Andre Kruusmaa


Pro-slavery argumentation was relatively similar both in the context of New World slavery and the Baltic provinces of the Russian Empire, where a small autonomous Baltic-German minority governed over Estonian and Latvian serfs. This became apparent from the justification of the way the system of unfreedom was formed and how the slaves/serfs were enslaved, and to the ideas about why the slaves/serfs could not be freed, as well as why the system of unfreedom was the best possible one. Similar rhetoric was also used in countering abolitionist agitation and argumentation, while the worries of the pro-serfdom faction also involved similar topics like the likelihood of insurrections, the negative influence of abolitionist ideas and supposed false claims about the masters and the system of serfdom. Additionally, the Baltic-German pro-serfdom advocates were aware of the peculiarities of New World slavery, yet referred to it relatively rarely, and often only if the local abolitionists brought out such comparisons. All of this serves to reinforce Larry E. Tise's claim about the universal nature of pro-slavery thought, as well as making it possible to consider the Baltic provinces within Peter Kolchin's ideas of other Souths.




在新世界奴隶制和俄罗斯帝国的波罗的海各省中,支持奴隶制的论点相对相似,在俄罗斯帝国,波罗的海一小部分自治的德国人统治着爱沙尼亚和拉脱维亚的农奴。从证明自由制度形成方式,奴隶/农奴的奴役方式以及为什么不能释放奴隶/农奴的观念以及为什么自由制度是最好的观念这一点来看,这一点变得显而易见。可能的。类似的言辞也被用来反抗废奴主义的煽动和争论,而对农奴制派系的担忧也涉及类似的话题,例如暴动的可能性,废奴主义思想的负面影响以及对主人和农奴制的虚假主张。此外,波罗的海德语的支持农奴制的人知道新世界奴隶制的特殊性,但相对很少提及它,而且只有当当地废奴主义者提出这样的比较时才提及。所有这些都加强了拉里·T·塞斯(Larry E. Tise)关于亲奴隶制思想的普遍性的主张,并有可能在彼得·科尔钦(Peter Kolchin)的其他南方思想中考虑波罗的海各省。
