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“Warming Your Soul with Your Own Hands”: Ruvim Fraerman’s Children’s Prose and the Legacy of Russian Modernism
Russian Studies in Literature Pub Date : 2021-02-10 , DOI: 10.1080/10611975.2019.1853429
Maria Maiofis


In her article, Maria Maiofis argues that Ruvim Fraerman’s 1939 work Wild Dog Dingo, Or a Story of First Love [Dikaia sobaka Dingo, ili Povest’ o pervoi liubvi] is not primarily intended as a story of adolescent love but rather of the vicissitudes of a teenaged girl’s relationship with her divorced parents. Fraerman’s treatment of adolescent psychology and the difficult path into adulthood reflects the legacy of Russian modernist prose and aspects of psychoanalytic theory, which he may have become familiar with firsthand in the 1910s or 1920s or indirectly through Russian modernist prose.




玛丽亚·麦菲菲斯(Maria Maiofis)在她的文章中认为,鲁维姆·弗雷曼(Ruvim Fraerman)1939年的作品《野狗丁戈,或初恋的故事》(Dikaia sobaka Dingo,ili Povest'o pervoi liubvi)并不是主要是为了讲述青春期爱情的故事,而是其沧桑的故事。一个十几岁的女孩与离婚的父母的关系。弗雷曼(Fraerman)对青春期心理学的处理以及通往成年的艰难道路反映了俄罗斯现代主义散文的遗留和精神分析理论的各个方面,他可能在1910或1920年代已经亲身经历过,或者间接地通过俄罗斯现代主义散文而变得熟悉。
