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A Mosaic of Fragility: Interdisciplinary Ties between Morales’s Weak Architecture, Tarkovsky’s Weak Man and Vattimo’s Weak Thought
Fabrications ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1080/10331867.2020.1827544
Viktorija Bogdanova 1

ABSTRACT Fragility allows a deep development and understanding of the tie between the self and the outer surrounding. It softens the friction on the threshold between the known and the unknown. The paper elaborates three manifestations of fragility: Tarkovsky’s weak man [sic] presents meekness as a silent receptivity of the world; Vattimo’s weak thought demands a desire to search for the farthest Other – through sacrifice and kenosis; Sola-Morales’ weak architecture celebrates the undefined terrain vague and the rediscovery of ruins as layered trails of transience. A comparative understanding of the three manifestations brings an alternative reading of architectural history as a multiplicity of many realities that a single history masks, addresses, and reinforces. Here, the historian is an archaeologist, re-creating a mosaic of space-time: continuously operating between the bare evidence and its meaningful contemporary translation into a historical narrative.



摘要脆弱性允许深入发展和理解自我与外部环境之间的联系。它软化了已知和未知之间阈值上的摩擦。这篇论文阐述了脆弱的三种表现:塔可夫斯基的弱者[原文如此]将温柔表现为对世界的沉默接受;瓦蒂莫弱小的思想需要通过牺牲和虚无来寻找最远的他者的愿望;Sola-Morales 薄弱的建筑庆祝未定义的地形模糊和废墟的重新发现作为瞬态的分层小径。对这三种表现形式的比较理解带来了对建筑历史的另一种解读,将其视为单一历史掩盖、解决和强化的许多现实的多样性。在这里,历史学家是一位考古学家,重新创造了时空的马赛克: