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Rethinking Ethics in the Shadow of Displacement and Statelessness: A Critically Engaged Account of Democratic Agency
Ethics and Social Welfare Pub Date : 2021-02-10 , DOI: 10.1080/17496535.2021.1879893
Lynelle Watts 1 , David Hodgson 1


Statelessness and displacement represent nothing short of a loss of place, the violation of rights and international norms, threat to safety and belonging, and severely limits access to law and citizenship. Social work must leverage and sustain an ethical standpoint as a critical counterpoint to the increasing moral and political urgency of statelessness. However, traditional and normative social work ethics operate at a level of abstraction that do not engage sufficiently with the realpolitik of statelessness. This paper critically engages with moral questions concerning displacement and statelessness by engaging the philosophy of James Tully and Christine Korsgaard. This engagement enables connections between agency and notions of democratic constitutionalism where people have the right to call into and contest relations of governance that oppress them, through various means such as advocacy and activism. We present a reconsideration of established ethical understandings by arguing for the place of public philosophy and the constitution of the self as key to social work theory and practice in response to statelessness and displacement. Korsgaard’s work on normativity and agency, and Tully’s notion of democratic constitutionalism provide a rich and original contribution to social work ethics that will be articulated for social work theory and practice.




无国籍和流离失所代表了地方的丧失,权利和国际准则的侵犯,对安全和归属的威胁,并严重限制了获得法律和公民身份的机会。社会工作必须利用和维持道德立场,以此作为对无国籍状态日益增加的道德和政治紧迫性的重要对策。但是,传统的和规范的社会工作道德在抽象的层次上运作,无法充分参与到现实政治中。无国籍。本文通过涉及詹姆斯·塔利(James Tully)和克里斯汀·科尔斯加德(Christine Korsgaard)的哲学,批判性地涉及有关流离失所和无国籍状态的道德问题。这种参与使代理机构与民主宪政概念之间建立了联系,在民主宪政中,人们有权通过倡导和行动主义等各种手段来呼吁和竞争压迫他们的治理关系。通过争论公共哲学的地位和自我的构成,作为对无国籍和流离失所的社会工作理论和实践的关键,我们提出了对已建立的道德理解的重新考虑。Korsgaard在规范性和代理性方面的工作,
