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Continuities and changes; voices and silences: a critical analysis of the first three decades of scholarship in Environmental Politics
Environmental Politics ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-07 , DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2020.1848157
John M. Meyer 1 , Joice Chang 1


The thirtieth anniversary is an opportunity to take stock of Environmental Politics. To consider where the journal and – by extension – the academic study of environmental politics should go, we must have insight into where it has been. We aim to generate conversation about three questions. The first asks who publishes in the journal – whose voices are prominent and whose are missing – and in what ways this has changed over time. The second asks what is published in the journal – what topics receive attention and by extension what is less visible. Again, we are especially attentive to how these topics have changed over time. The third question is how environmental politics itself is understood and how this might have changed. Much of our examination is based upon content analysis and data mining of a comprehensive dataset including authors, abstracts, and full-text of 1007 articles published in the journal.




