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Mobilizing diaspora during crisis: Ukrainian diaspora in Canada and the intergenerational sweet spot
Diaspora Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-12 , DOI: 10.1080/09739572.2020.1827667
David Carment 1 , Milana Nikolko 2 , Sam MacIsaac 1

Canada’s Ukrainian diaspora occupy an enviable, if not rare, ‘intergenerational sweet spot’. This sweet spot endows them with a high degree of positionality within Canada, enabling both long and short-term support for Ukraine since the crisis began in 2014. In examining Ukrainian diaspora positionality in the Canadian context, we find there are varied strategies that help offset hardship at the community and household level while addressing the long-term fragility of the country. While new migrants and temporary workers are actively remitting back home, older generation diaspora members compensate for smaller remittance volumes by lobbying and by influencing the state apparatus through various forms of political and social activism. This has the effect of shifting the costs borne by individuals to the host state and is consistent with our insights on principal-agent relations between states and diaspora. Although Ukraine’s macroeconomic performance will remain fragile for the foreseeable future, we identify four complementary forms of diaspora engagement in times of crisis, namely the mobilization of aid, political activism and volunteering, remittances and other financial flows, and delegating responsibilities to host-country institutions.



加拿大的乌克兰侨民占据了一个令人羡慕的“代际甜蜜点”,如果不是罕见的话。这一甜蜜点赋予他们在加拿大境内的高度定位,自 2014 年危机开始以来,为乌克兰提供长期和短期支持。在研究加拿大背景下的乌克兰侨民定位时,我们发现有多种策略可以帮助抵消解决该国长期脆弱的问题,同时解决社区和家庭层面的困难。在新移民和临时工积极汇款回国的同时,老一代侨民通过游说和通过各种形式的政治和社会活动影响国家机器来弥补汇款量的减少。这具有将个人承担的成本转移到东道国的效果,并且与我们对国家与侨民之间委托代理关系的见解一致。尽管乌克兰的宏观经济表现在可预见的未来仍将脆弱,但我们确定了在危机时期侨民参与的四种互补形式,即动员援助、政治活动和志愿服务、汇款和其他资金流动,以及将责任委托给东道国机构.
