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Understanding typical support practice for students who are deaf or hard of hearing: Perspectives from teachers of the deaf in Australia
Deafness & Education International ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-15 , DOI: 10.1080/14643154.2020.1841363
Shani Dettman 1, 2, 3 , Yvonne Chia 1 , Surabhi Budhiraja 1 , Lorraine Graham 4 , Julia Sarant 1 , Caitlin Barr 1 , Richard Dowell 1, 2, 3


While there is a growing level of demand for accountability and documentation of services provided to students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH), there is a paucity of evidence on the nature of such support; who (personnel), what (content), and how (delivery). This study describes Teacher of the Deaf (ToD) perspectives on current classroom student support practices across a range of contemporary service delivery models in Victoria, Australia. Maximum variation sampling was used to identify 10 Victorian ToDs; each completed a one-hour semi-structured interview, which focused on an interview topic guide associated with typical practice: pathways to teaching; role of the profession; professional development; role in the classroom; goal setting; professional identity; and one open-ended question regarding wishes for the future. Qualitative content analysis generated six categories from these interviews: scope of practice; content of teaching/support; goal setting; service delivery; communication; and accountability. Three recommendations to improve future service delivery for students who are DHH included: standardisation of goal setting/assessment tools; improved shared language between all student support personnel, students and parents; and implementation of agreed rubrics to determine frequency of service with consistent definitions of decision-making criteria for tiered service delivery.




尽管对聋人或听力障碍学生的问责制和提供服务的文件的需求日益增长,但这种支持的性质却缺乏证据。谁(人员),什么(内容)和如何(交付)。这项研究描述了聋人教师(ToD)对澳大利亚维多利亚州一系列现代服务提供模式中当前课堂学生支持实践的看法。最大变异采样用于识别10个维多利亚时期的ToD。每个人都完成了一个小时的半结构化访谈,重点是与典型实践相关的访谈主题指南:教学途径;职业的作用;专业发展;在课堂上的角色;目标设定;职业身份;还有一个关于未来愿望的开放式问题。定性内容分析从这些访谈中产生了六类:业务范围;教学/支持的内容;目标设定;服务提供;通讯; 和问责制。为改善DHH学生的未来服务质量提供了三项建议:目标设定/评估工具的标准化;所有学生支持人员,学生和家长之间共享语言的改善;并按照商定的原则来确定服务频率,并确定用于分层服务交付的决策标准的一致定义。目标设定/评估工具的标准化;所有学生支持人员,学生和家长之间共享语言的改善;并按照商定的原则来确定服务频率,并确定用于分层服务交付的决策标准的一致定义。目标设定/评估工具的标准化;所有学生支持人员,学生和家长之间共享语言的改善;并按照商定的原则来确定服务频率,并确定用于分层服务交付的决策标准的一致定义。
