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The Revival of Romantic Anti-Capitalism on the Right: A Synopsis Informed by Agnes Heller’s Philosophy
Critical Horizons ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-04 , DOI: 10.1080/14409917.2020.1835038
Katie Terezakis 1


I link the fundamentalist zeal of Trumpism to its romantic anti-capitalist ideology, and I argue that Trumpism and its European counterparts have appropriated the imaginative plot of romantic anti-capitalism from its place in the Leftist lexicon. The creed-makers of Trumpism now announce that the machinery of capital, which was supposed to belong to the common person, is managed by career politicians and over-educated apologists on behalf of a class that will do anything to keep others from its ranks. I make the case that the ideological successes of Trumpism attest to the continued draw of romantic anti-capitalism and to the Left’s mistake of leaving the romantic imagination unfortified by enfranchising political initiatives. I cite a number of recent speeches by right-wing pundits and politicians, and I analyse them as inheritors of an expanding nationalism tied to romantic anti-capitalist ideologies. I turn to Agnes Heller’s approach to assessing populism and romanticism, both as part as her seminal evaluations of modernity and justice, and in the popular opinion pieces, essays, and lectures delivered during the last years of her life.




我将特朗普主义的原教旨主义热情与其浪漫的反资本主义意识形态联系起来,并且我认为,特朗普主义及其欧洲同行已经从其在左翼辞典中的位置挪用了富有想象力的浪漫主义反资本主义情节。特朗普主义的信条制定者现在宣布,本应属于平民的资本机制由职业政治家和受过良好教育的辩护者代表一个阶级管理,该阶级将竭尽所能阻止他人出轨。我认为,特朗普主义在思想上的成功证明了浪漫主义反资本主义的不断吸引,以及左翼派系的通过使政治举措获得特权而使浪漫主义想象力丧失的错误。我引用了右翼专家和政界人士最近的演讲,我将它们分析为与浪漫的反资本主义意识形态联系在一起的,不断扩大的民族主义的继承者。我将谈谈艾格尼丝·海勒(Agnes Heller)评估民粹主义和浪漫主义的方法,这既是她对现代性和正义的开创性评价的一部分,也是她生命中最后几年发表的民意作品,文章和演讲的一部分。
