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Gender Differences in Stress of Community College Students
Community College Journal of Research and Practice ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-04 , DOI: 10.1080/10668926.2021.1873872
Paris Scott Strom 1 , Robert Duane Strom 2 , Tricia Sindel-Arrington 3 , Renee V Rude 3 , Chih-Hsuan Wang 1


Stress experienced by community college students is increasing and can jeopardize health and performance. Sources of stress felt by students are not well understood because they typically confide in peers. This article reviews the literature on the scope, signs, and effects of stress. A study is described that identifies gender differences in sources of stress among community college students. The 351 subjects (210 females, 141 males) attended the same community college; most (69%) lived at home with their parents. They self-administered the online College Stress Poll consisting of 17 multiple-choice items. Poll data were analyzed using a series of Chi-square independence tests to compare gender responses with Cramer’s V applied as the measurement of effect size. Females significantly more often than males reported getting along with family as stressful and felt greater pressure from parents to perform better than their classmates. Females were more often exposed to stress from peers who interrupted them during study time and insisted that they respond quickly to text messages. Both genders identified getting good grades as a major source of stress, admitted having poor time management skills, and lacked understanding in some courses. Results identified ways for educators and parents to reduce undue stress imposed on students. Workshop topics about stress were chosen by students that they wanted the college to provide for parents, teachers, and students.




社区大学生所经历的压力正在增加,并可能危及健康和表现。学生感受到的压力来源并没有被很好地理解,因为他们通常会向同龄人倾诉。本文回顾了有关压力的范围、迹象和影响的文献。描述了一项研究,该研究确定了社区大学生压力来源的性别差异。351 名受试者(210 名女性,141 名男性)就读于同一社区学院;大多数(69%)和父母住在家里。他们自行管理了由 17 个多项选择题组成的在线大学压力调查。使用一系列卡方独立性检验分析民意调查数据,以将性别反应与作为效应大小测量的 Cramer's V 进行比较。女性比男性更频繁地报告与家人相处的压力,并感受到来自父母的更大压力,要求他们表现得比同学更好。女性更经常受到来自同龄人的压力,这些同龄人在学习期间打断她们并坚持要求她们快速回复短信。两性都认为取得好成绩是压力的主要来源,承认时间管理能力差,并且对某些课程缺乏理解。结果确定了教育工作者和家长减少对学生施加的过度压力的方法。关于压力的研讨会主题由学生选择,他们希望大学为家长、老师和学生提供这些主题。女性更经常受到来自同龄人的压力,这些同龄人在学习期间打断她们并坚持要求她们快速回复短信。两性都认为取得好成绩是压力的主要来源,承认时间管理能力差,并且对某些课程缺乏理解。结果确定了教育工作者和家长减少对学生施加的过度压力的方法。关于压力的研讨会主题由学生选择,他们希望大学为家长、老师和学生提供这些主题。女性更经常受到来自同龄人的压力,这些同龄人在学习期间打断她们并坚持要求她们快速回复短信。两性都认为取得好成绩是压力的主要来源,承认时间管理能力差,并且对某些课程缺乏理解。结果确定了教育工作者和家长减少对学生施加的过度压力的方法。关于压力的研讨会主题由学生选择,他们希望大学为家长、老师和学生提供这些主题。结果确定了教育工作者和家长减少对学生施加的过度压力的方法。关于压力的研讨会主题由学生选择,他们希望大学为家长、老师和学生提供这些主题。结果确定了教育工作者和家长减少对学生施加的过度压力的方法。关于压力的研讨会主题由学生选择,他们希望大学为家长、老师和学生提供这些主题。
