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Trust Issues: The Role of Trusting Relationships on Students’ Knowledge about and Transition to Community College
Community College Journal of Research and Practice ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-10 , DOI: 10.1080/10668926.2020.1856217
Claire A. Boeck 1


Having accurate, sufficient information can help students prepare for and transition college. However, access to information about college is inequitable. Drawing from interviews with eight first-year community college students, this study explored how community college students decided whom they could trust to provide college knowledge, the role of existing relationships in their trust decisions, and how those decisions can influence students’ transition to college. Findings indicate that not all students had high school environments that facilitated the development of trusting relationships with teachers or counselors. Therefore, students turned to family members and peers for guidance. Students did not question advice from people with whom they had a relationship but did question the validity of information from people with whom they did not have a relationship. For some students, inequitable access to sufficient information created challenges in their transition to college. This study highlights the importance of creating educational environments in which students can trust teachers and staff with expertise in the college preparation process. Implications for high school and community college practitioners and community college researchers are discussed.




拥有准确、充分的信息可以帮助学生为大学做好准备和过渡。然而,获取有关大学的信息是不公平的。本研究通过对八名社区大学生一年级学生的采访,探讨社区大学生如何决定他们可以信任谁来提供大学知识,现有关系在他们的信任决定中的作用,以及这些决定如何影响学生向大学的过渡. 调查结果表明,并非所有学生都拥有促进与教师或辅导员建立信任关系的高中环境。因此,学生转向家庭成员和同龄人寻求指导。学生没有质疑与他们有关系的人的建议,但确实质疑与他们没有关系的人提供的信息的有效性。对于一些学生来说,获取足够信息的不公平给他们过渡到大学带来了挑战。这项研究强调了创造教育环境的重要性,让学生可以信任在大学准备过程中具有专业知识的教师和工作人员。讨论了对高中和社区大学从业人员和社区大学研究人员的影响。这项研究强调了创造教育环境的重要性,让学生可以信任在大学准备过程中具有专业知识的教师和工作人员。讨论了对高中和社区大学从业人员和社区大学研究人员的影响。这项研究强调了创造教育环境的重要性,让学生可以信任在大学准备过程中具有专业知识的教师和工作人员。讨论了对高中和社区大学从业人员和社区大学研究人员的影响。
