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Recent documentary films about migration: in search of common humanity
Studies in Documentary Film ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-20 , DOI: 10.1080/17503280.2019.1595919
Kaisa Hiltunen 1

ABSTRACT The article analyzes four recent documentary films that deal with the current migration crisis, describing migration from Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa to Europe. The Land Between (David Fedele, 2014), Salam Neighbor (Zach Ingrasci and Chris Temple, 2015), Fire at Sea (Gianfranco Rosi, 2016) and Unknown Refugee (Hamy Ramezan, 2016) try to get behind news images and to give a more human account of migration and refugeedom. What strategies do these ‘human rights films’ (Tascón, Sonia M. 2012. “Considering Human Rights Films, Representation, and Ethics: Whose Face?” Human Rights Quarterly 34 (3): 864–883) use in order to make the crisis meaningful in a situation where images of catastrophes surround us everywhere? Film analysis is framed by a discussion of theories that deal with the representation of distant suffering and the role of cinema in humanitarian activity. The key question that structures the analysis is, how can the fact that cinema is based on an arrangement where some look and others are looked at be combined with the humanitarian aim of overcoming power hierarchies and promoting human equality (Chouliaraki, Lilie. 2013. The Ironic Spectator: Solidarity in the Age of Post-Humanitarianism. Cambridge: Polity Press)? What aesthetic and narrative devices do the films use in order to circumvent the afore-mentioned paradox and to bridge the gap between ‘them’ and ‘us’?



摘要本文分析了四部有关当前移民危机的最新纪录片,描述了从中东和撒哈拉以南非洲到欧洲的移民。介于两者之间的土地(David Fedele,2014),萨拉姆邻居(Zach Ingrasci和Chris Temple,2015),海上之火(Gianfranco Rosi,2016)和无名难民(Hamy Ramezan,2016)试图掩盖新闻图片并给出人类对移民和难民的描述。这些“人权电影”采取了哪些策略(Tascón,Sonia M.2012。“考虑人权电影,代表制和道德:谁的面孔?”《人权季刊》第34期(3):864–883),以便在灾难的景象环绕着我们的情况下使危机有意义。电影分析是通过讨论有关遥远苦难的表征和电影在人道主义活动中的作用的理论来进行的。构成分析的关键问题是,如何将电影基于一种看似看似他人的安排这一事实与克服权力等级制度和促进人类平等的人道主义目标相结合(Chouliaraki,Lilie。2013年。具有讽刺意味的旁观者:后人道主义时代的团结(剑桥:政治出版社)?为了避免上述悖论并弥合“他们”和“我们”之间的鸿沟,影片使用了哪些美学和叙事手段?构成分析的关键问题是,如何将电影基于一种看似看似他人的安排这一事实与克服权力等级制度和促进人类平等的人道主义目标相结合(Chouliaraki,Lilie。2013年。具有讽刺意味的旁观者:后人道主义时代的团结(剑桥:政治出版社)?为了避免上述悖论并弥合“他们”和“我们”之间的鸿沟,影片使用了哪些美学和叙事手段?构成分析的关键问题是,如何将电影基于一种看似看似他人的安排这一事实与克服权力等级制度和促进人类平等的人道主义目标相结合(Chouliaraki,Lilie。2013年。具有讽刺意味的旁观者:后人道主义时代的团结(剑桥:政治出版社)?为了避免上述悖论并弥合“他们”和“我们”之间的鸿沟,影片使用了哪些美学和叙事手段?政治出版社)?为了避免上述悖论并弥合“他们”与“我们”之间的鸿沟,影片使用了哪些美学和叙事手段?政治出版社)?为了避免上述悖论并弥合“他们”和“我们”之间的鸿沟,影片使用了哪些美学和叙事手段?