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Contemplating Art Education
Studies in Art Education ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00393541.2020.1753452
Dónal O’Donoghue 1

A lmost a decade ago, at a panel presentation at Barnard College in New York City, the late José Esteban Muñoz, in conversation with Lauren Berlant, Ann Pellegrini, and Tavia Nyong’o, told his audience that the remarks that he would share with them on that occasion were distilled from a conversation that he and Berlant had engaged in for some time. Their conversation, he explained, had focused on his interest in thinking and talking about a certain type of utopianism and her interest in thinking and talking about a particular kind of optimism. Framing his remarks in this way seemed perfectly reasonable, given that it was Berlant’s work that was the focus of the gathering at Barnard College on that April evening. While Berlant’s turn to optimism had resulted in a body of work that offered a theory of optimism, or a type of optimism that she called cruel optimism, Muñoz’s turn to futurity, he explained, was an attempt to think of something else that is not in the here and now, a time and place beyond the present. For those present on that April evening in 2011, Muñoz’s disclosure hardly came as a surprise. For several years previously, Muñoz had been thinking, talking, and writing about the concepts of utopia, hope, futurity, queerness, relationality, and aesthetics. These were the concepts “To contemplate is to delay judgment, to hold space for ideas to emerge and take form.” © 2020 National Art Education Association Studies in Art Education: A Journal of Issues and Research 2020, 61(2), 99–105 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00393541.2020.1753452



大约十年前,已故的何塞·埃斯特万·穆尼奥斯(JoséEstebanMuñoz)在纽约市巴纳德学院(Barnard College)的一次小组演讲中,与劳伦·伯兰特(Lauren Berlant),安·佩莱格里尼(Ann Pellegrini)和塔维亚·尼永(Tavia Nyong'o)交谈,告诉听众他将与他分享这些言论。那时他们是从他和Berlant进行了一段时间的谈话中提炼出来的。他解释说,他们的谈话集中于他对思考和谈论某种乌托邦主义的兴趣,以及对思考和谈论某种乐观主义的兴趣。考虑到正是伯兰特的作品成为当年四月傍晚在巴纳德学院聚会的焦点,因此以这种方式表达他的观点似乎是完全合理的。尽管Berlant转向乐观,导致了一系列提供乐观理论的工作,他解释说,或者说她将这种乐观主义称为残酷的乐观主义,穆尼奥斯转向未来是一种尝试,去思考时下,时空之外的其他事物。对于那些在2011年4月傍晚在场的人来说,穆尼奥斯的披露并不令人感到意外。几年前,穆尼奥斯(Muñoz)一直在思考,讨论和写作关于乌托邦,希望,未来,古怪,关系和美学的概念。这些概念是“思考是为了延迟判断,为思想的出现和形成留出空间。” ©2020美国国家艺术教育协会艺术教育研究:问题与研究杂志2020,61(2),99-105 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1080/00393541.2020.1753452 试图去思考现在和现在以外的其他时空。对于那些在2011年4月傍晚在场的人来说,穆尼奥斯的披露并不令人感到意外。几年前,穆尼奥斯(Muñoz)一直在思考,讨论和写作关于乌托邦,希望,未来,古怪,关系和美学的概念。这些概念是“思考是为了延迟判断,为思想的出现和形成留出空间。” ©2020国家艺术教育协会艺术教育研究:期刊与研究杂志2020,61(2),99-105 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1080/00393541.2020.1753452 试图去思考现在和现在以外的其他时空。对于那些在2011年4月傍晚在场的人来说,穆尼奥斯的披露并不令人感到意外。几年前,穆尼奥斯(Muñoz)一直在思考,讨论和写作关于乌托邦,希望,未来,古怪,关系和美学的概念。这些概念是“思考是为了延迟判断,为思想的出现和形成留出空间。” ©2020美国国家艺术教育协会艺术教育研究:问题与研究杂志2020,61(2),99-105 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1080/00393541.2020.1753452 谈论和写作关于乌托邦,希望,未来,古怪,关系和美学的概念。这些概念是“思考是为了延迟判断,为思想的出现和形成留出空间。” ©2020美国国家艺术教育协会艺术教育研究:问题与研究杂志2020,61(2),99-105 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1080/00393541.2020.1753452 谈论和写作关于乌托邦,希望,未来,古怪,关系和美学的概念。这些概念是“进行深思熟虑是为了延迟判断,为提出和形成想法留出空间。” ©2020美国国家艺术教育协会艺术教育研究:问题与研究杂志2020,61(2),99-105 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1080/00393541.2020.1753452