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After the good life: squatting and the politics of the commons in The good terrorist
Studia Neophilologica ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00393274.2020.1751701
Sarah Bernstein 1

ABSTRACT This essay focuses on the representation of squatting as a form of ‘commoning’ in Doris Lessing’s The good terrorist (1985). It argues that the text’s centring of the act of squatting suggests a starting point for a politics rooted in everyday actions of home/making and community building, a model that relies on the power of the common – defined, following Raymond Williams, as what is ordinary and what is shared. Even as it posits the radical potential of squatting, the narrative’s imagining of gender politics, together with its ‘temporality of despair’, undermines the legitimacy of commoning as a sustainable form of social organisation. The article seeks to understand the conditions under which everyday life in Lessing’s London is brought about and sustained through a marking off of the possible and finds its historical analogue in the Thatcher-era slogan ‘There is no alternative’. The good terrorist is a narrative of ‘enclosure’ in which tragedies occur as the logical outcome of trying to find alternatives to the exigencies of the world as it is. It asks, if Lessing’s novel is one of ‘enclosure’, what might a novel look like that performs its opposite? Can we conceive a literature of the commons?



摘要 本文重点讨论多丽丝·莱辛 (Doris Lessing) 的《好恐怖分子》(1985) 中蹲作为一种“共同”形式的表现。它认为,文本以蹲居行为为中心表明了一个植根于家庭/制造和社区建设的日常行为的政治的起点,这种模式依赖于共同的力量——按照雷蒙德·威廉姆斯的定义,作为什么是普通的和共享的。即使它假定了占屋的激进潜力,叙事对性别政治的想象,连同它的“绝望的时间性”,破坏了共同作为一种可持续的社会组织形式的合法性。这篇文章试图通过对可能性的标记来了解莱辛伦敦的日常生活是在什么条件下产生和维持的,并在撒切尔时代的口号“别无选择”中找到了它的历史类似物。善良的恐怖分子是一种“圈地”的叙事,其中悲剧的发生是试图为现实世界的紧急情况寻找替代方案的合乎逻辑的结果。它问,如果莱辛的小说是一种“封闭式”小说,那么一部反其道而行之的小说会是什么样子?我们可以设想一种公地文学吗?一部反其道而行之的小说会是什么样子?我们可以设想一种公地文学吗?一部反其道而行之的小说会是什么样子?我们可以设想一种公地文学吗?